2021 Resolution: It’s Time to Upskill Your English Speaking!

Kenapa tidak awali resolusi tahun ini dengan meningkatkan kemampuan speaking kalian? Karena belajar bahasa Inggris tentu tidak lengkap jika tidak mempelajari dan mempraktikkan speaking kalian, bukan? Meski faktanya ada banyak sekali cara untuk meningkatkan kemampuan speaking, tapi tidak semua dapat menguasainya entah secara otodidak maupun melalui les online. Kenapa? Karena tidak semua orang lebih bisa merasa nyaman dan percaya diri ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris. Padahal, selama kamu nyaman terlebih dahulu dengan kemampuan kamu dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, sudah menjadi poin penting, lho!

Oleh karena itu, mengapa tidak mencoba meningkatkan kemampuan speaking bahasa Inggris kalian dengan beberapa cara berikut? Sehingga kita tidak hanya mengandalkan fluency saja, melainkan juga membangun kepercayaan diri dan pelatihan bersama guru-guru yang menyenangkan, maupun melalui permainan!

‘UpskillYour English Speaking!

Have you ever heard of the word “upskill”? Upskill is an effort to continue to improve and advance the abilities that you previously have so that they can continue to improve over time. Some people have done this upskill method, and one of them is a teacher because as time goes by, there are so many things that need to be updated, such as the way the teacher teaches and transfers their knowledge.

Then, how about you? With your current position, upskilling your English Speaking is a great advantage. Due to the fact that in this era, there are so many job vacancies that require employees to understand and speak English. Not only for those who work, but students will also get many benefits, especially scholarships and other opportunities. So, how can you upskill your English skills? 

Here, there are several options. Let’s see some of them!

A. Read lots of books in English

The first Time Magazine (Source: en.wikipedia.org)

Choose a book or magazine that you love so you don’t get bored quickly with your reading choices! The benefits of reading by yourself can increase the capacity of the mind. By simply reading and understanding the thoughts the author was trying to convey, you can imprint them in your long-term memory about the way they express their thoughts. If you do this often, when you speak English, you will unconsciously use the words and expressions used by the authors of the books you have read.

B. Don’t be too focused on your mistakes first

It isn’t a bad mistake! (Source: freepik.com)

The fear of making mistakes often makes people feel less confident and prefer to remain silent. But honestly, it’s an unnecessary fear, even though you can’t help how you feel.

However, remember that making mistakes can be a good thing. Because by making mistakes, we can learn something from them. Moreover, it is important to remember that every learning process is a journey. Therefore, remember to always learn from the mistakes that have been made.

C. Listen to people who speak English

Listen and learn (Source: forbes.com)

Apart from reading, we also need to listen to certain conversations in English. You can do it by either listening to the pronunciation or listening to their tone of speech. So, by listening to good speakers, you can imitate the expressions they use. For example, Ted Talks on the Internet or short plays and dramas can provide reliable English subtitles for your learning experience.

D. Ask people to correct your speaking

Practice it with your friends (Source: alltalktraining.com)

If you are playing with your friends, they probably won’t correct your English unless you ask them to correct you. Because if they suddenly cut your words in the middle and they try to correct you, they will feel rude and reluctant. But if you ask your colleagues and friends for help by pointing out your mistakes in speaking English, then they will be very happy to correct them, and you will quickly improve your ability to speak English fluently.

E. Record your speech

Record your words (Source: improveyouraccent.co.uk)

After you receive confirmation from your friends, it is time to record your voice. Every smartphone has a ‘record’ feature, which is very useful for those who want to learn foreign languages. Even though you may not like to record yourself speaking, it can help us understand pronunciation as well as the rhythm of speaking. Speaking too fast or speaking too low can also be a consideration.

F. Boost your confidence

Be confident! (Source: suara.com)

However, even though you may have overcome all obstacles, you need to know that the most basic thing before learning how to speak another language is self-confidence. Because without confidence, you will find it difficult to express what you want to convey. The way to develop it is that no matter what anyone says, the show must go on, exercise yourself, do things that make your heart happy, and keep it in yourself that you are just like all the successful people out there.

G. Play games!

Play and practice (Source: fluentu.com)

The good news is that playing ESL games is the best choice for learning English as a friend. It’s because one of the best ways for you to learn English is by turning your hobby into a language learning experience. So, it makes English practice fun and easier to remember.

Apart from that, it can help you memorize vocabulary and practice speaking and writing in English in a fun and educational way. One of the games is Playing With Alexa from 20 Questions. They will also train you in speaking English.

Speak to Spark!

Join us now! (Source: @engliven)

If you’re curious about the best program to practice your English skills, you can join Speak to Spark in Engliven because Speak to Spark can effectively cover all of the methods above. Also, Speak to Spark is not only for those who are very busy, but it is also available for children who want to develop their speaking skills in communicating and improve their 21st Century Skills. So, don’t worry, because professional Engliven teachers will guide you and your friends in a conducive and fun learning group!

Get a Free 1 Month Class! (Source: engliven.com)

Up until now, this program is still open. So, register yourself immediately before it’s too late, and you can upskill your English and complete your resolutions this year well because many benefits are waiting for you. Build your self-confidence, and let’s explore the world with our ability to communicate in English!

For further information, you can go to this site.

Vocabulary Corner

From what you’ve read above, that’s how you can improve your English speaking skills. So, did you have any difficulties while reading this article? You can find the word in this table, and also match it with Indonesian for better understanding.

English WordsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Imprint(Meninggalkan) Jejak/Membekas
UnconsciouslyTanpa disadari
Pointing outMenunjukkan
ESL gamesPermainan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua (English as a Second Language games)

Quick Quiz

  1. Which of these methods do you think can increase your self-confidence?
    a. Comparing yourself with others
    b. It’s easy to be fooled by what people say
    c. Understand yourself
    d. Hurry to do something
  2. Based on the explanation above, if upskill is the ability to continuously renew what we already have, then what is reskill?

So, that’s all for today. Hopefully, this can be useful for you and your colleagues too! Please answer the quick quiz above, as well as your comments in the column below. Don’t forget to check out Engliven‘s other blogs! Finally, see you soon!

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Learn speaking fluent English with confidence at SpeakToSpark