Engliven aims to improve your speaking and writing confidence.

Engliven adalah sebuah kursus belajar bahasa Inggris, bahasa Indonesia, dan komunikasi secara tatap muka maupun online yang memudahkan para pekerja dan pelajar Indonesia untuk berlatih bicara dan menulis dalam metode belajar yang fun, materi yang dikustomisasi, serta guru yang tepat untuk levelmu.

Bermula dari Instagram page @engliven dengan 20k+ followers yang didirikan oleh Elisa Effendy tahun 2016, misi Engliven adalah membantu English learners di Indonesia mengatasi ketakutannya dalam berbahasa Inggris, terutama dalam speaking dan writing.

Kenapa belajar dengan Engliven?
Kami percaya kamu perlu belajar hal yang kamu butuhkan dan sukai. Engliven menyediakan private, group, and company training, serta bekerja sama dengan berbagai universitas di seluruh Indonesia untuk diskusi publik, pelatihan, dan workshop baik untuk English learners maupun English teachers.

Our Principles

We believe you should turn everyday work into enjoyable learning experiences

Writing movie

We focus on outlining your goals, forming habits to practice every day, and giving enjoyable learning experience.

Kemampuan bahasa inggris

We curate quality English materials of international standard (Cambridge English and CEFR – Common European Framework of Reference of Languages).

We adopt Agile Methodology when tailoring our curriculum to continuously adapt with students’ needs and stay relevant.

Our Values

Engliven focuses on creating enjoyable learning experiences and building confidence with a student-focused method which empowers students to develop their self-learning skills within the right system and attitudes


Fun and relevant learning experience both in class and online


20% Teacher Talk Time and 80% Student Talk Time (e. g roleplays, group discussions, presentations, interviews)


  • Speaking Table Topics
  • Self-learning best practice
  • Online Collaborative Platform


20% Learning languages takes time and we help students track their progress through skill milestones.


Team Profile
Elisa Effendy
Founder and CEO Engliven

Hi everyone, I’m Elisa and I’ve been teaching English for more than 7 years for private and in-house company training with students and employees from different age range. Having both Computer Science and Marketing degree and worked in sales at a FMCG company, I have turned the skillsets and experiences I have to run an Ed-tech startup that originally started from an Instagram page called Engliven. Engliven stands for Enliven your English, which aims to enlighten learners’ understanding of everyday English and make them actually enjoy what they learn. Aside from teaching and running a business, I enjoy going on culinary trips, travelling, reading, and meeting people.

  • MSc Marketing, University of Birmingham.
  • Scholarship Recipient of IATEFL LTSIG 2018 in Brighton, UK. (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language)
  • Recipient of Australia Awards – Short Term Award (Startup Ecosystem) – 2018/2019
Ivan Andhika
Engliven Advisor

Hi everyone, I’m Ivan Andhika and here I’m helping Engliven in the field of business and technology innovation. With my experience of more than 10,000 hours in application design and development, I have been trying to help solve problems caused by language barriers. I founded Roketin.com in 2015 and found that there are a lot of cognitive potential people who have barriers in speaking English, which makes it difficult for them to learn independently. I hope with my capabilities in technology, text processing and machine learning, I can help Engliven take English learning to the next level.

  • CEO & Co-founder of Roketin.com – A Tech startup that helps 70++ startups create their MVP products



Learn speaking fluent English with confidence at SpeakToSpark