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4 Hal Penting Sebelum Investasi di Kala Pandemi

Di tahun 2020 sampai 2021 awal ini, investasi semakin digemari dan semakin marak. Investasi seperti saham adalah produk investasi yang harus dimiliki. Dikutip dari Narasi News Room, influencers seperti Kaesang dan Raffi Ahmad gencar promosi atau endorse saham. Hal tersebut memicu geliat investasi di kalangan generasi milenial dan harga saham pun juga naik. Namun, seiring maraknya investasi, hal tersebut juga berpotensi memicu penipuan dan manipulasi pasar. Maka dari itu, sebaiknya jangan mudah tergiur oleh investasi terutama yang informasinya tidak terbuka untuk publik.

Apa yang dimaksud investasi?. Investasi adalah kegiatan menanamkan modal untuk mendapat keuntungan tertentu di waktu yang akan datang. Mereka yang memiliki pendapatan akan menyisihkan sebagian uang untuk modal berinvestasi. Modal tersebut nantinya akan memperoleh timbal balik yang lebih besar di masa depan tergantung investasi apa yang diambil. Maka dari itu, terdapat berbagai macam investasi yang dapat dicoba sekalipun pemula.

In English, investing or investment is how you trade money today for a lot more money in the future. According to the Listen Money Matters blog, the essence of investment is “high yield over the long term.” Investment can earn more money for you by doing long term savings. Not only through saving your money, but you can also buy an ownership share such as stocks and holdings to earn more money in the future.

The reasons why should we invest

Komputer Laptop Abu Abu Dan Hitam
Counting investment (Source:

Investment is a big financial move for you to build wealth and prosperity for the future. You can start with small amounts of money and build a portfolio for yourself eventually. However, people usually wonder why certain people such as the rich people and the like often invest their money even though they’re rich already? According to the Business Today page, besides wealth creation, there are some reasons why you should invest your money even though you’re already wealthy.

Wealth Creation

Investing some money in different assets will allow them to grow in terms of financial profit several years later. In this process, the rate or price of the investment asset increases over time. Some of the assets such as stocks, certificates of deposit, and bonds offer returns in long-term deals. By doing investment in return, the money is allowed to compound and automatically create wealth over time and raising the number of money that you can have in the future.

Beating Inflation

According to Trading Economics, Indonesia’s annual inflation rate inched up to 1.68% in December 2020. The increased rate of inflation also implies that we would lose money every year if keep our money in cash. Why? It is because of the decline of purchasing power of a money currency over time. What causes the decline of the purchasing power? It is the increase in the average price level of a particular product.

You can beat inflation by cultivating money in mutual funds. Indeed, the return from the investment helps maintain the purchasing power or the value of the currency at a constant level. However, if you don’t beat inflation, you would be losing money instead of earning money.

Retirement Corpus Creation

Investment results also create a corpus of funds that can be used when someone retires. The funds create a steady source of revenue for an investor when they do not have a source of income. Moreover, the funds accumulate over time and provide financial security to maintain a financially steady lifestyle after retirement.

Accomplishing Financial Goals

Investing is one of the ways to reach financial goals. By investing, you take steps to be financially secure for now and for your retirement. When you have set your investment for a long term financial plan, the returns can be used toward major financial goals. Those goals are buying a car, starting a business, or buying a house.


The benefit of tax-savings is incorporating tax-saving investment into your portfolio which gives a head-start for the future. Some investments give double returns by providing returns as well as reducing taxable income. It minimizes the tax liability such as equity-linked saving scheme (ELSS) funds. Therefore, as you grow your wealth in the future, the earnings from the savings can serve your further requirements such as education, weddings, and retirement.

High Returns

Investing some money would get us high returns in the future when compared to the bank’s saving account. It is because the bank has an increased interest rate system that decreases your savings. However, investing in markets or investment products provides returns of 20 percent if given at the right time.

Things We Should Consider Before Making an Investment

Illustration of a stock exchange (Source:

As already stated, investment is one of the big financial moves for the future. People are saving money more than spending it, which slows down the economic pace. Therefore, they put some money aside for savings or emergency fund. However, should the money be saved or invested during a pandemic? According to the Today page, there are 4 things that we have to look for during a pandemic.

Ensuring your emergency savings

Making a decision to save or invest your cash money during a pandemic can be a difficult thing to do. However, living by yourself and earning money should make you think to put some emergency savings in this condition. An emergency fund is important as it allows you to live for several months if something unexpected comes up. The amount of funds that you need to stock before investing is the amount of three to eight months of your paycheck.

Moreover, the coronavirus pandemic causes the value of investment vehicles to decrease. Therefore, in the event of an economic crisis, you have to consider setting aside some extra money for emergency savings and some time to think about your job security.

Deciding the time for us to use the money

The emergency fund helps you to consider when and how the money would be used wisely. Once the fund is in the good shape, specify how would you spend the money you’ve saved and when to use the money. You have to think about what goals you wanted to reach by saving money.

If you want to use the money three to five years later or more, the money should be saved rather than invested. The short to medium-term savings should be considered to make sure how to keep the money. In this context, saving money in a high-yield account is profitable because of the higher interest rate.

Risk management during investing

If you have a healthy emergency fund and good financial planning, consider investing. You can check and calculate the risk of investment to reduce the ability of loss. Moreover, you can consider some factors such as age, time horizon, and the amounts of money invested.

People are actually avoiding the risk to lose their money in an investment. They feel they don’t have enough emergency funds or personal finance knowledge. However, if you are a novice, you can start looking into mutual funds, index funds, and exchange-traded funds. Those are less risky than choosing individual stocks. Moreover, according to Investopedia, mutual funds can also hold many different securities.

Counting the exact number of our cash money

Investment doesn’t need a big amount of money. You can start by saving 10 percent of your income aside. For example, saving for Rp. 25.000-Rp. 50.000 per week is a good habit to cultivate.

If you don’t have a lot of cash you can start investing with small amounts of money. Many Robo-advisers have advice and easy ways for you to start investing small amounts, even with spare changes. Those are platforms that provide services that are inexpensive and only require low opening balances, which makes them beneficial.

Saving a small amount of money is better than nothing at all. Therefore, when you can move it to a high-yield savings account or investment portfolio, then it will continue to grow.

Apart from investing your money, you can try to start your business in 2021. Moreover, Engliven provides the opportunity so you can also invest your brain. It aims to enrich your knowledge by taking a course or join webinars. Not only that, it enriches your skill in speaking and writing by participating in the EOS (English Online Series) program.

EOS Program by Engliven (Source:

Vocabulary Corner

If you have reached this point, do you have any questions about certain vocabularies in this article? If so, you can check the explanation below.

English WordsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
High yieldHasil tinggi
Beat inflationMengurangi angka inflasi
Purchasing powerDaya beli
Mutual fundsReksadana
Retirement corpus creationPerencanaan modal pensiun
Economic paceKecepatan ekonomi

And so, we have reached the end of this article. Now, have you earned a new interest to try investment in the future? If so, good luck in trying that! Also, we have other interesting blog articles for you to read as well. Happy reading!

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Capitol Hill Storming: A Brief Explanation to The Storming

Ada beberapa berita besar yang telah terjadi di awal tahun 2021 ini. Salah satunya adalah berita mancanegara yang menggegerkan dari Washington DC, Amerika Serikat. Ya, berita kerusuhan yang terjadi di Gedung Capitol/Capitol Hill Building yang terjadi pada Rabu (06/01) minggu lalu. Berita ini membuat semua orang geger karena para perusuh berhasil menjebol ke dalam gedung tersebut.

Sebaliknya, Engliven membawa berita baik di awal tahun ini. Ada promo untuk kelas SpeakToSpark yang mengajak kalian untuk tetap produktif dan aktif menambah kemampuan terutama dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris di awal tahun ini.

Program SpeakToSpark oleh Engliven (Sumber: Engliven)

Nah, pada hari Rabu siang pada minggu lalu pada waktu setempat, (6/1/2021) telah terjadi penyerbuan di Gedung Capitol, Capitol Hill, Washington DC. Massa yang melakukan penyerbuan merupakan kelompok pendukung garis keras Presiden AS Donald Trump. Mereka menerobos masuk ke dalam gedung di mana para anggota Kongres AS sedang melakukan pengesahan pemenang Pemilu AS 2020, Joe Biden. Aksi tersebut berujung ricuh dan mengakibatkan penetapan Joe Biden sebagai pemenang Pemilu Presiden AS yang berikutnya harus tertunda.

WASHINGTON, DC – JANUARY 06: Pro-Trump supporters storm the U.S. Capitol (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

A Brief Background

The 59th US presidential election was held on November 3rd, 2020. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the use of postal ballots in every state gets more abundant. However, people can still come to the voting place to vote. At the same time, Trump asks American citizens to vote in the voting place as he assumed that the postal ballots could result in voter fraud.

The representatives of the Democratic Party, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris dominated votes with 306 projected electoral votes. They receive the most popular vote which surpasses 270 votes, being the highest number of popular votes in the history of the US elections. Because of the election’s results, Trump has filed lawsuits in several states since he considered the election to be rife with missing ballots and fraudulent acts.

2020 US election result (Source :

The Rising Action

President Trump arrives at a campaign rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, on Oct. 30 (Source: NBC News)

According to NBC News, Trump’s lawsuit against the election results has been shot down or withdrawn in multiple places. No court has found a single instance of fraud in alleged states, such as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Mexico, Minnesota, Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia. Moreover, it has been found that the lawsuit was based upon vague and unsupported allegations or unsubstantiated claims.

However, after the declaration of the election winner, Trump’s campaign efforts still moved from state to state to overturn Joe Biden’s win. Furthermore, all of those efforts were in vain as they were unsuccessful to turn the result in Trump’s favor. As a result, since the election results were published, hardline Trump supporters incited violence and chaos in multiple places due to their unacceptance of the election results.

The Climax to Capitol Hill Riot

As we know, Trump is still seeking to overturn the result of the election. Prior to the suspension of his social media accounts, Trump’s tweets on Twitter roused supporters in his claims toward the fraudulent election. Those tweets consisted of false claims and conspiracy theories regarding the election, one of them being that the election had been “stolen” from him.

On Wednesday (6/1/2021), the US Congress members held a meeting to announce the Presidential-election winner officially. The votes from every state were collected to the Congress for the formalization of the President-elect Joe Biden. However, Trump was unwavering in his beliefs that the election had been sabotaged. As a result, he agitated his supporters to storm the Capitol Building during the formalization process to regain his “victory”.

The Storming of US Capitol Building

According to The Washington Post, on Wednesday (6/1/2021), Trump told thousands of his supporters, which gathered on the Ellipse in front of the White House, that this was the last stand. He urged his supporters to not lose in the election result and ensure a second term for Trump. Therefore, this was the moment when the mob, motivated by Trump’s words, to storm the Capitol Building.

President Donald Trump makes a speech to his supporters (Source: Anchorage Daily News)

Trump supporters demanded that Trump should be the President again. The supporters marched down to the US Capitol Building and stormed the location while waving Confederate flags and yelling while the Congress held a joint session to count the result of the election. The rioters ransacked the Senate office and disrupted the Electoral College vote count during the joint session.

Some people said the storming was an act of terrorism and rebellion. The rioters’ attack caused members of Congress to evacuate the Capitol building from the dangers of the storming. The rioters were disorderly during the attack, which caused confusion from the authorities. As a result, the attack caused the deaths of five people before the storming was halted by the authorities.


Due to the storming, social media corporations from Facebook to Twitter suspended Trump’s accounts because of his role during the storming. On January 8, Twitter suspended Trump’s Twitter account due to the fear of further violence since the storming. The company said that the suspension was “due to the risk of further incitement of violence”.

Because of their actions, the authorities charged and arrested the rioters who broke through the building and conducted violence. According to Now This, the authorities charged the rioters with federal charges including theft, disorderly conduct, and being in a restricted area without authorization.

Vocabulary Corner

Now then, how was the article that you read just now? Did you have any confusion about certain vocabularies in the article? If so, you can check a list of words below that can help you:

English WordsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Postal ballotsPos surat suara
Voting placeTempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS)
Voter fraudKecurangan dalam memberi suara
Projected lossKekalahan yang diproyeksikan
Minor ballotsSurat suara yang minor

And now, we have finally reached the end of this article. Did you find the topic interesting? If yes, you can comment on the article in the comment section below. Also, we have other interesting blogs for you to read too. Happy reading!

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5 Recommended Series and TV Shows to Learn English

Films, videos on YouTube, and TV series are some alternatives for you to learn English. Usually after watching videos and films, the audience will imitate how the characters’ speech and expressions. Then, the audience will indirectly use English steadily in everyday life. This is because the films, TV series, and YouTube videos use the depiction of real situations.

Let’s Learn English and Watch Series!

Watching English series and TV shows have a considerable impact on your English skills. One of the reasons is that watching them makes it easier for you to learn English and absorb new vocabulary. Moreover, the visuals of these shows give context and represent the language it is spoken.

According to the British Council blog, visuality is a tool that enables learners to understand by interpreting the language that the visuality gives. The visuality assists learners to learn English by depicting the facial expression and gestures that provide the learners with an exchange of that language.

Series & TV Shows to Learn English

The Queen’s Gambit

The Queen’s Gambit is a sport-themed short-series adapted from The Queen’s Gambit novel by Walter Tevis. It is about Beth Harmon (Anya Taylor-Joy), the main character, who is obsessed with chess game when she lived in an orphanage. She finds the game as a part of her life and become her journey to multiple championships. However, the series also presents how an athlete struggles to maintain the winning rate and battle against drug addiction.

The Queen’s Gambit Episode 5: Fork (Source: Netflix)

The Queen’s Gambit is a light series to watch that can enrich your vocabulary especially chess-related terms and the strategy to play it. However, it is also motivational that tells the ups and downs of mastering a game. For that reason, the series can tell you a lot as to how to learn a new language that we want to be an expert in.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a sitcom series about American cops who works at the 99th Precinct in Brooklyn. The series shows Jack Peralta (Andy Samberg), an immature yet talented detective with the 99th Precinct’s detective gang who tackle crime in New York City. Each of the main characters possesses a peculiar quirk when it comes to settling a crime case. Moreover, when Jack Peralta comes up with a crazy idea such as Halloween Heist, you can expect how strange the idea sounds.

Source: Twitter / @Brookly99er (Brookly99Insider)

Anyway, watching American sitcoms such as Brooklyn Nine-Nine can significantly improve your daily conversation skills in English. Situational comedy refers to realness and relatability of our daily lives. Moreover, not only will your daily conversation skill improves, but also certain kinds of humor that probably will stick on your head as you get into the show. The reason is that the use of repetition on words and phrases makes us understand the following line in the story.

Young Sheldon

If you’re familiar with The Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon is the spin-off prequel of the show. The story revolves around Sheldon Cooper’s early life. The young Sheldon is a genius and matures faster that is unusual among kids at their young age. He goes to high school at the age of nine in East Texas. Moreover, young Sheldon is obsessed with science that always makes him answer everything based on a theory. This causes his family and friends to be unable to deal with his capability and quirks. Besides, the young Sheldon shows how a freaky geeky kid fit in the social setting and community with different kinds of people.

Source: Pinterest /

Besides Young Sheldon’s intelligence prowess, everything he said about science, such as Newton’s theory, can increase complex and infamous vocabulary into your brain. Moreover, the high school setting enables us to get used to the conversation and terms in an American high school. It is also hilarious when Sheldon answers something innocently that makes us think what the joke is about. Thus, we might understand different kinds of humor.

Adventure Time

Adventure Time is a weird yet fun cartoon TV series. The main character, Finn the human, and his best friend, Jake the Dog, are living an adventurous life. The land where they live is a kind of fantasy yet magical one. When they go to an adventure and fight monsters and get through hard times, sometimes Finn gives some decent moral lessons about life.

Source : Tumblr /

The main characters, Finn and Jack are expressive and brimming with emotion. When Jake gets angry, he will raise his tone and change his body form, considering he has a stretchy body. Anyway, when he is angered, his words leave an impression of the line that we could practice in real life. Moreover, there are slang words and weird terms used in many conversations in the series. Adventure Time gives us more insight into casual English conversations in daily life.

Our Planet

The last show to binge is a sight for sore eyes.

Source: Twitter / @ourplanet (Our Planet)

Our Planet is a Netflix documentary that shows a variety of animals and plants from around the world. The series narrated by Sir David Attenborough, a famed English broadcaster, writer, and naturalist, who wants to spread awareness of natural habitat extinction. Moreover, the stunning visuals of the show can boost your mood to learn and preserve our nature.

As a result, learning through a documentary keeps us motivated and productive to do some more deeper learning. The reason is that the narration of the story is simple, succinct and understandable. It is like someone reading a book for us patiently. Also, the documentary plot is coherent enough that facilitate an understandable English lesson for a beginner.

Finally, after watching several shows, series, and movies, you can check your language proficiency here to know your current level when learning English.

Vocabulary Corner

English WordsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Binge-watchMenonton secara maraton
OrphanagePanti asuhan
Sitcom (situational comedy)Komedi situasi
PrecinctKantor polisi
Settle the caseMenyelesaikan kasus
GeekKutu buku

Finally, have you discovered a motivation to watch all of them? If yes, you can watch them on Netflix and similar streaming services for your own enjoyment. Furthermore, we also have a blog with so many interesting articles for your reading enjoyment. Happy reading, everyone!

English Reading Habit Hack Online Learning

3 Cara Menambah Kemampuan Pribadi dengan Online Platform di Tengah Pandemi

Ada jutaan online platform yang tersebar di seluruh dunia, mulai dari yang kecil hingga yang besar. Di Indonesia sendiri sudah ada 10 online platform besar. Salah satunya yaitu e-commerce atau online shop seperti Shopee dan Lazada. Selain itu, e-learning atau bimbel online juga bertambah peminatnya terutama bagi mahasiswa tingkat akhir.

What is Online Platform?

From Lane Sebring’s YouTube video, a platform is a raised surface used to hold public discussion.

An online platform is a place where people hold a public discussion by using the internet. The reason is that online platforms provide various services that enable people to interact from a long distance. Moreover, online platforms are a place which provides a variety of services such as marketplaces, contents, search engines, tutorials, and more.

By using the online platform, people can learn new things. This is especially important as people now use online platforms to do things during the pandemic. Because of that, people who lost their jobs can open a business in the middle of a pandemic. In other words, online platforms help people in developing their skills practically. Therefore, online platforms are not only for public discussion but also to a place for people to be productive and studious.

3 Ways to Develop Skills Through Online Platform

Online Internship and Volunteering

Pandemic makes us desperate to get a job and internship chance. Not only twice, but we might get hundreds of our job requests being ignored. But even so, there are companies which are hiring employees even during the ongoing pandemic.

To be accepted in a job vacancy, what can we do? There are some tips to do it, such as making a CV in accordance with the job requirement and sending the CV as early as possible. We can send the CV by e-mail or LinkedIn. These platforms enable us to apply for other company while looking forward to the selection announcement. Therefore, hopefully, it is easier to get an internship job at a right time.

Online meeting (Source:

Online internship and volunteer experience are important provisions for applying to a job. Those experiences are important soft skills. The soft skills consist of leadership, communication, time management, coordination, and so on. On the other hand, by working remotely, people usually get distracted easily because there are a lot of applications at the time. Therefore, people can use their management skills to manage job desks and timeline.


Collaboration means a group of people or two companies who are working together on a project. This process happens when people share and contribute their ideas to a mission or project. This means that the process of group work may work better than individual work process. Therefore, collaboration is not only worth the result of the product but also being able to group a lot of people into a social meeting.

Pandemic makes brand companies collaborate with each other to bear up with the economic situation. The collaboration often catches consumer’s attention because of the nature of the collaboration. For example, a famous restaurant franchise, KFC, invented vegan food while collaborating with Naughty by Nature. However, people are curious about how KFC, a fast-food specialist, served vegan food. It makes people want to come to KFC restaurants and taste the product.

KFC Naughty by Nature (Source: KFC Naughty by Nature IG account)

Online Education

Education is one of the ways to survive through these hard times. When the pandemic devastates the economy, job and society, education should not recede. It is because education is a crucial aspect of our lives.

Today, education can be obtained easily by accessing the internet. There are online class and online course which provide free learning and module. The use of an online platform for learning is very helpful. For example, edX is a platform that provides a massive course from universities around the world such as Harvard University. It helps us to learn other courses beyond our field.

Online courses are also spread across the internet. They can be found on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Online courses are using the online platform to engage with users around the world. Therefore, they often make interactive contents to promote their class.

Moreover, online courses can be instantly accessed. They are flexible and cheap. When someone attends an online course, the meeting time and duration are not specific. People can choose according to their ‘state of mind’ hour. For example, Engliven provides a program or course which conforms with the students’ schedule. Moreover, the materials are customized based on the student’s capability.

Online Platform as an Important Tool

In the era of digitalization, it is unnecessary to mobilize things over. Things are easier to do now when gadgets and the internet are on our hands. The internet provides features to access the online platform from around the world. However. instead of getting easier, the competition to get a job is getting harder. People are packed up with various skills to survive. In other words, becoming an expert in online platform is not enough. Therefore, it is important for people to use the online platform to hone soft skills and hard skills.

English Vocabulary Corner

English Words/SentenceArti Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
SurfacePermukaan atau latar
TrafficLalu lintas
Personal brandingCitra diri atau mempromosikan diri
Tech-savvyMengetahui segala teknologi

Bagaimana, apakah kalian sudah belajar lebih banyak tentang cara memakai online platform? Dari contoh yang ada di atas, kalian bisa mulai mencoba masing-masing tipsnya, ya! Selain itu, Engliven juga punya blog dengan artikel yang bermacam-macam isinya. Don’t forget to comment on this article and happy reading, folks!

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Ukur dan Kenali Level Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Dirimu!

Pada abad ke-21 ini, berbagai bidang mulai dari pekerjaan, pendidikan, pariwisata, dan sebagainya membutuhkan kemampuan bahasa asing terutama bahasa Inggris. Sebagai bahasa internasional, bahasa Inggris juga menjadi standar untuk keperluan karir dan bisnis seperti melamar pekerjaan dan promosi produk. Selain itu, berbahasa Inggris adalah salah satu soft skill yang digemari generasi milenial. Sampai-sampai, tanpa mendaftar bimbingan belajar, mereka jadi lancar berbicara bahasa Inggris karena bantuan internet.

Teaching English with online platforms (Source: Unsplash)

Kemampuan bahasa Inggris menjadi soft skill yang tak terkira harganya sekarang. Meskipun kamu bukan berasal dari jurusan ilmu bahasa, kamu akan tetap butuh kemampuan bahasa Inggris. Bahasa Inggris bisa ditemui di mana saja mulai dari media sosial hingga aktivitas sehari-hari. Melatih kemampuan bahasa Inggris menjadi sebuah kegiatan yang menggiurkan bagi banyak orang.

For that reason, people are now practising their English skills through platforms. People are training their skills through online platforms such as YouTube and other websites that provide English lessons. Because of that, these kinds of online platforms can help you to be as fluent as native speakers. If so, how do we assess our personal levels in studying the English language?

In Which Level Are You Right Now?

Levels of stairs (Source: Unsplash)

According to engliven blog, there are 6 levels of language proficiency. These levels are decided by CEFR, which stands for Common European Framework of References for Languages. The CEFR is used across European nations as the standard of using a foreign language. Moreover, each level shows the ability of the foreign language itself. Because of the detailed information in CEFR, it is no wonder why a lot of education institutions use CEFR as well.


Kemampuan bahasa inggris
The “begin” sign (Source: Unsplash)

Beginner level is the surface level or the starting point for many people. Why do people call this level as a surface? Try to think of the fishes that do not swim at the surface of a water body such as river and sea. They can only be found either in the deep waters or on the seafloor. Because of that, we can only find fishes if we are trying to dive into the waters to have a look for ourselves.

How do fishes that live in the deep sea be related to the beginners in the English language?

A beginner is when a person begins to learn a language and try to practice it daily. That person can do it by speaking and writing in English every day. The beginner communicates with simple language and easy vocabulary. When the beginner tries to answer someone else, they might take some time to think of a proper response with their capability. Because of that, the person whom the beginner is talking to must talk clearly and slowly in order to make the beginner understand.

Therefore, to go to the next level, the beginner must dive deeper like a diver to see the fishes and corals inside the sea.


Kemampuan bahasa inggris
Basic English skills (Source: Unsplash)

In this level of water, the fishes and corals can now be seen. At this point, a beginner now understands the basics and appearance of the English language. The elementary English speaker is capable of telling about familiar things with common words to other people. The topic may vary from science, geography, religion, and many others. They are good enough to travel by themself and ask the natives with familiar questions. Because of this, the elementary English speaker can talk with native speakers more calmly.

The elementary English speaker can explore more words by doing various activities. From visiting grandparents’ house, watching movies to going to the park, they can do a lot of things. Then, they will explain what happened there and express their opinion about their surroundings. Because of these activities, they can enrich their vocabulary from seeing a lot of things in their activities. Therefore, by doing these things, the elementary English speaker will keep on training their skills regularly.


Kemampuan bahasa inggris
Slowly moving to advanced level (Source: Unsplash)

The intermediate level is enough for most people. The intermediate level is the moment where the student upgrades their skills in writing and reading significantly. For example, students can now write about complex things such as making a detailed life plan and methods to do it. Moreover, the intermediate student is now confident enough to handle certain situations when travelling. This intermediate-level will help students greatly when talking to natives and doing other things. Because of that reason, intermediate-level English mastery will be a major turning point for many people to go to the next level.


Kemampuan bahasa inggris
Advancing to upper levels (Source: Unsplash)

The upper intermediate level is rather narrow when compared to others. It means that upper-intermediate students have broadened their writing and reading skills, although in a narrow or limited scale. They are only familiar with things that they excel in. But even so, they can now speak informal English by using slangs and informal words, which makes it easier to understand. Moreover, they can speak and answer things spontaneously without stopping. But still, they haven’t increased their knowledge of other things.

Upper Intermediate

Kemampuan bahasa inggris
Getting close to the destination (Source: Pexels)

This is the point where the divers have reached the deep sea where fishes and corals live. This point is deep enough that the divers can clearly understand that there are a lot of living creatures here. Because of that, the divers have understood the depths of this point.

Comparably, advanced learning level is complex. Basically, students now understand more about complex topics. Advanced-level students can understand difficult words and long sentences in a text. Furthermore, advanced-level students could define the implied meaning of a text. When writing, the text is more structured and detailed. Moreover, advanced-level students can now use more complex language structures appropriately. For example, people use Business English sentences in the office, where Business English is more complex than the usual English sentences.


Kemampuan bahasa inggris
Reaching the peak of learning (Source: Pexels)

Proficient-level students are now fluent in English. The language proficiency level is similar to native speakers. They understand everything in foreign languages, either in written or spoken sentences. They speak actively in foreign languages. Moreover, they express their feeling spontaneously. Therefore, a conversation between a proficient-level student and a native will flow faster and more naturally.

Stop Thinking and Start Practising!

Having difficulties in learning (Source: Unsplash)

The level of language proficiency is similar to the difference in sea depth levels. When we dive deeper, we can find and see a variety of sea creatures. However, the water pressure is also getting bigger, which makes it harder for humans to explore the seafloor. Because of that, humans need more effort to reach the seafloor by doing multiple things.

The effective way to reach the advanced level of proficiency is by doing daily training. Therefore, by doing training, we figure out our mistakes and errors that we make. Moreover, sparring with friends will help us to not get stuck easily. For that reason, we can try joining a language course to help us in learning foreign languages.

Vocabulary Corner

English WordsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Language proficiencyKecakapan berbahasa
Stands forKepanjangan dari
Business EnglishBahasa Inggris Bisnis
NativesPenduduk asli/orang asli
StuckMacet/ berhenti di tengah jalan

And so, we have reached the ending of this blog. Have you understood all of the different levels above? If not, you can leave comments or questions as well. Furthermore, we also have interesting blogs from Engliven for your enjoyment. Happy reading, everyone!

Break the News What's On

Inovasi Pendidikan di Hari Guru Nasional 2020!

Perayaan Hari Guru Nasional ke-75 pada tanggal 25 November 2020 berlangsung sedikit berbeda. Pada umumnya, Hari Guru diperingati dengan upacara di sekolah. Namun pada pandemi ini, seperti peringatan hari nasional lainnya, perayaan Hari Guru dan upacara peringatan terlaksana secara daring. Beberapa instansi yang berada dalam wilayah zona hijau dan kuning-pun diperkanankan melaksanakan upacara walau secara terbatas. Oleh sebab itu, harus ada inovasi supaya Hari Guru Nasional 2020 tetap bisa dirayakan dengan baik.

Logo Hari Guru Nasional 2020 (Sumber:

Kalau kita lihat di atas, logo Hari Guru Nasional 2020 memiliki makna yang disesuaikan keadaan pandemi. Logo tersebut terdiri dari elemen guru dan siswa, beserta masker, serta simbol Wi-Fi dan laptop yang membentuk sebuah hati. Maksudnya adalah setiap elemen, guru, murid, dan orang tua, saling bersinergi dan bekerja sama dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan penuh cinta.

Nah, pada Hari Guru Nasional ini, Engliven juga merayakan dengan penuh cinta. Engliven menyediakan program Sparkner dengan harga spesial untuk para guru yang ingin sparring berbicara bahasa Inggris. Harga spesial bisa didapatkan hingga Jumat, 27 November 2020. Dengan program Sparkner, sparring akan lebih mudah bersama partner dan mentor.

Program Sparkner oleh Engliven (Sumber:

Yang Berbeda di Hari Guru Nasional 2020

Tahun ini, Kemdikbud mengangkat tema ‘Bangkitkan Semangat, Wujudkan Merdeka Belajar’ untuk perayaan Hari Guru Nasional. Tema ini berkaitan dengan ketidakpastian dan kebingungan yang dihadapi para guru dan murid ketika pandemi. Salah satunya, akses internet dan keterbatasan teknologi yang menghambat Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ). Maka dari itu, lewat tema ini diharapkan tidak hanya para guru, tapi juga masyarakat agar selalu semangat untuk terus bangkit dan berjuang demi kemajuan pendidikan di Tanah Air.

hari guru nasional 2020
Poster Hari Guru Nasional 2020 (Sumber: Kemendikbud)

Lalu di hari guru nasional ke-95 ini, guru honorer di Indonesia juga mendapatkan apresiasi dari pemerintah. Guru honorer akan diangkat menjadi guru tetap atau pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) melalui tahap tertentu. Ditambah lagi, guru honorer yang terdapat di wilayah pelosok akan digaji dengan gaji yang layak. Bagaimanapun, seorang guru honorer merupakan seorang pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa yang berjasa tanpa memandang upah.

Program Merdeka Belajar Indonesia

Nah, salah satu cara untuk memajukan pendidikan merdeka yaitu lewat program Merdeka Belajar. Istilah tersebut sudah tidak asing lagi. Program tersebut dicanangkan oleh Mendikbud Nadiem Makarim. Program ini ditujukan untuk sekolah, guru, dan murid untuk mempunyai kebebasan. Kebebasan itu adalah kebebasan dalam belajar mandiri dan kreatif, dan juga berinovasi.

merdeka belajar
Program Merdeka Belajar oleh Nadiem Makarim (Sumber:

Program Merdeka Belajar sendiri merupakan konsep belajar yang mementingkan suasana yang membahagiakan antar guru dan murid sehingga kegiatan belajar tidak menjadi beban. Para guru diberi kebebasan untuk menentukan apa yang terbaik bagi muridnya karena seorang guru pasti memahami murid-muridnya. Maka dari itu, Merdeka Belajar terus dicanangkan agar para guru terus berinovasi dalam mengembangkan metode pembelajaran.

Thank You, Indonesia’s Unsung Heroes!

Distance learning is intended to provide students with a meaningful learning experience through online means. By pushing collaboration between students, teachers and parents, Distance learning is expected to ensure that students will receive a proper amount of education even during the pandemic times. As such, there are a lot of methods within distance learning to ensure the success of this online education.

After all, a role of a teacher couldn’t be replaced. A teacher is an unsung hero for Indonesian students and kids. It is tough for students to understand a lesson without a teacher figure in this pandemic. A teacher is irreplaceable by the internet and modern technology. Because of their role and assistance, we can’t deny that teacher helped us so much during our school years.

Seorang guru sedang mengajar (Sumber:

In here, an unsung hero can be defined as a hero who doesn’t have a lot of recognition from other people. Even though an unsung hero has done so many heroic and kind deeds to help other people, we know little of who they are. Unsung heroes can be your teacher, your parents, street cleaners, and many more. This is because their deeds can be trivial to other people. Nonetheless, their deeds helped so many people and we should be more grateful for what they’ve done.

English Vocab Corner

English Words/IdiomsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Through online meansMelalui cara online
Unsung heroPahlawan tanpa tanda jasa
Know little ofTidak tahu banyak
IrreplaceableTidak tergantikan
GratefulBerterima kasih/bersyukur
English Vocab Corner

Dan demikianlah, bagaimana inovasi untuk mengadakan Hari Guru Nasional 2020 bisa dilakukan. Bagaimana dengan tulisan di atas? Kalau kamu tertarik, Engliven juga punya blog dengan banyak artikel menarik yang siap kamu baca. Happy reading, everyone!

Break the News What's On

Kosa Kata tentang Pemilu Amerika Serikat 2020!

Flag photo created by freepik –

Pemilu presiden Amerika Serikat berlangsung pada 3 November waktu bagian Amerika. Tidak hanya penduduk Amerika Serikat yang antusias tapi juga negara di seluruh penjuru dunia menantikan perhelatan pemilu negara adidaya pada hari Selasa mendatang. Maka dari itu, penentuan presiden dalam pemilu tahun ini juga menentukan hubungan bernegara dengan AS pada masa mendatang.

Proses pemilu di Amerika Serikat panjang dan membingungkan. Banyak tahapan dalam memililih seorang kandidat presiden sebelum melakukan pemilihan umum. Bahkan, para penduduk Amerika tidak langsung akan memilih pasangan capres dan wapres yang mereka dukung. Sebenarnya, penduduk yang mendaftar pemilu memilih seorang wakil yang disebut electoral college.

Singkat cerita pemilu AS

Rangkaian pemilu Amerika Serikat sudah mulai sejak bulan Januari 2020. Pada bulan Januari sampai Maret beberapa negara bagian Amerika melaksanakan pemilu pendahuluan atau primary election. Pemilu tersebut bertujuan untuk memilih kandidat atau calon presiden yang akan mewakili partai Demokrat pada pemilihan umum. Namun, pada 14 negara bagian, yang jumlah penduduknya lebih dari 130 juta jiwa, juga melaksanakan Super Tuesday yang berlangsung pada hari selasa pada minggu pertama bulan Maret. Acara tersebut bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan isu-isu yang terjadi pada wilayah itu. Kemudian, penduduk negara bagian tersebut melakukan pencoblosan secara serentak untuk menentukan kandidat presiden pada pemilu.

Tapi penduduk tidak langsung mencoblos para kandidat

Para penduduk akan menunjuk seorang delegate atau wali, yang merupakan anggota dari partai-partai, yang maju pada pemilu. Dalam suatu negara jumlah delegate berbeda-beda. Sama seperti pemilu pendahuluan, electoral college juga berfungsi sebagai wakil dari rakyat. Keberadaan electoral college merupakan kunci kemenangan presiden dan wakil presiden dalam pemilu. Itu karena sistem winner-takes-all. Partai yang mendapat suara lebih banyak atau dominan akan mendapat semua suara suatu negara bagian.

Kosa kata umum seputar pemilu Amerika

Pada beberapa media asing yang memberitakan tentang pemilu amerika, mungkin akan menemukan kosa kata ini


Kandidat adalah seseorang atau sepasang orang yang maju sebagai kontestan. Kandidat juga berati ‘calon’. Capres dan cawapres pemilu Amerika tahun 2020 adalah Donald Trump dan Mike Pence melawan Joe Biden dan Kamala Harris.


Partai adalah suatu organisasi berisi orang-orang yang memiliki visi dan misi yang sama dalam menjalankan suatu tugas pemerintahan. Amerika mempunyai dua partai besar yakni partai Demokrat/ Democratic dan Republik/Republican. Tahun 2020, Presiden Donald Trump dan Mike Pence mewakili partai republik sedangkan Joe Biden dan Kamala Harris mewakili partai demokrat.


Surat suara adalah media untuk memilih calon presiden dan wakil presiden yang kamu dukung. Surat suara pemilu Amerika bisa dalam bentuk amplop yang berisi surat suara dan petunjuk menyoblos. Mereka harus mengirim kembali surat suara tersebut lewat mailbox atau kotak surat resmi. Namun, mereka juga bisa langsung memilih dan datang ke tempat pemungutan suara (TPS) atau voting place.


Jika presiden mendapat banyak dukungan berarti kampanye atau campaign mereka berhasil. Kampanye oleh para calon presiden terselenggara untuk mendapat perhatian warga agar memilih mereka pada pemilihan umum. “Make America Great Again” adalah slogan Donald Trump pada kampanye tahun 2016 sampai saat ini untuk meyakinkan warga Amerika bahwa pemerintahan-nya bisa menjadikan Amerika lebih maju kembali.


States adalah negara bagian yang terdapat dalam suatu negara yang besar seperti Amerika Serikat dan Australia. Dalam suatu negara bagian, terdapat wilayah yang terbagi menjadi county atau suatu daerah yang lebih spesifik.

Electoral College

Dewan elektoral adalah sekolompok orang yang akan menentukan pemenang kompetisi pemilihan umum presiden dan wakil presiden AS. Mereka terdiri dari senator dan representative atau Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat. Setiap negara bagian memiliki jumlah anggota electoral college yang berbeda sesuai dengan jumlah penduduk dan luas wilayah.


Polls, berarti jumlah suara yang telah terkumpul. Dalam pemilu Indonesia, berarti juga perolehan surat suara. Polls atau polling berupa angka atau persentase yang dapat menentukan keunggulan seseorang dalam suatu daerah.

Flag photo created by freepik –


Vote merupakan suatu gerakan yang mengajak para penduduk untuk ikut aktif dalam pemilu yaitu dengan cara mencoblos atau memberi suara. Suara penduduk dalam setiap negara bagian AS sangatlah berpengaruh pada penentuan presiden dan wakil presiden untuk 4 tahun mendatang. Ketika pandemi ini, penduduk tetap harus ikut mencoblos dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Dengan begitu, mereka juga ikut dalam perubahan pemerintahan yang lebih baik.

Kita juga bisa ikut pesta demokrasi Indonesia dalam pilkada tahun 2020. Pada tanggal 9 Desember, warga negara Indonesia akan memilih kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah kabupaten atau kota secara serentak. Dengan seiring berjalannya adaptasi baru atau new normal, pilkada akan terselenggara dengan tata cara berbeda menyesuaikan protokol kesehatan.


Apakah kosakata di atas membantu ketika membaca berita dari media asing terutama bahasa Inggris? Coba jelaskan 2 istilah berikut ini!

  • Winner-takes-all
  • Tangled thread

Break the News What's On

Sumpah Pemuda Bukan Berarti Ga Bisa Bahasa Inggris!

Panitia Kongres 27-28 Oktober 1928 (Source:

The Youth Pledge Day 2020, with the theme of “Semangat Persatuan dan Kebangkitan”, engages Indonesian youngsters to rise and shine in the middle of this pandemic.

Hari Sumpah Pemuda yang ke-92 akan berbeda dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya di tahun 2020 ini. Seperti perayaan Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia ataupun Hari Kartini, perayaan Sumpah Pemuda tidak dirayakan dengan lomba-lomba maupun berbusana adat. Pada umumnya, lomba-lomba di perayaan hari-hari nasional mengukir kesan tersendiri di masa sekolah. Hal seperti berangkat sekolah pagi sekali menyusun naskah pidato, ditunjuk ikut lomba tiba-tiba, maupun baca puisi di depan guru dan siswa satu sekolah belum bisa tercapai tahun ini. Maka dari itu, tanpa harus mengamalkannya lewat lomba-lomba, pemerintah mengangkat tema ‘Semangat Persatuan dan Kebangkitan’ yang bertujuan agar pemuda Indonesia tetap berkarya dan saling menyemangati di keadaan krisis sekarang ini.

Apa Makna dari Tema Tersebut?

The 92nd Youth Pledge logo (Source:

Kemenpora, melalui blog resminya, memublikasikan logo dan tema untuk Hari Sumpah Pemuda tahun 2020 ini. Angka 92 berwarna biru dan hijau menjadi logo resmi dan memiliki makna tersendiri. Angka 9 dan 2 saling tersambung seolah-olah terdapat bentuk 2 insan yang tidak terlepas. Konsep tersebut bermaksud melambangkan semangat persatuan dan kerja sama para pemuda yang tidak terputus dalam mengisi kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia maupun keadaan krisis seperti di pandemi COVID-19 ini.

Mengenai warnanya, warna biru melambangkan lautan dan hijau melambangkan hutan dan pertanian di Indonesia. Warna gradasi yang menyambungkan kedua angka tersebut juga menggambarkan betapa beragam warna, suku, agama, ras, dan bahasa, yang dimiliki Indonesia. Maka dari itu, simbol dan tema Sumpah Pemuda ke-92 ini mewakilkan ke-sinergian pemuda dan masyarakat di tengah pandemi. Active role para pemuda Indonesia sangat dibutuhkan untuk persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa.

Maksudnya Active Role Itu Apa?

Active role could be defined by either to make a movement or to produce something. Pemuda Indonesia diharapkan terus kreatif dan inovatif untuk masa yang akan datang. Harapan tersebut diutarakan terutama dalam situasi krisis dan genting seperti sekarang, yakni dengan mengembangkan soft skills dan terus berkarya.

How Do We Partake in This Moment?

Carrying out the three points of the Youth Pledge with devotion can be one of the examples of youngsters’ role in this moment. Equally important to the youngster unites the disunited and rises who is in tatters. Indeed, one of the way is learn multiple language, not only the Indonesian language.

Berarti tidak mengamalkan Sumpah Pemuda ayat ketiga dong?

Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa pemersatu sekaligus identitas masyarakat Indonesia. Sedangkan, bangsa Indonesia sendiri memiliki beragam suku dan bahasa daerah yang beragam. Bahasa Indonesia juga merupakan bahasa ibu atau bahasa utama yang diucapkan penduduk di Indonesia. Sedangkan, belajar berbahasa Inggris bukan berarti tidak mengamalkan Sumpah Pemuda maupun Pancasila. Dengan belajar bahasa Inggris, justru mengamalkan semangat para pemuda untuk terus bersaing. Bagaimanapun, belajar bahasa inggris maupun bahasa asing merupakan upaya untuk membuka wawasan yang luas dan memajukan bangsa. Karena itu, dengan semangat sumpah pemuda kita tetap mempertahankan identitas dan bahasa indonesia.

Vocab Corner

English Word/SentenceBahasa Indonesia
The Youth PledgeSumpah Pemuda
Carry out … with devotionMengamalkan dengan sepenuh hati
In tattersTerpuruk
Active roleBerperan aktif


Nah, bagaimana dengan tulisan di atas? Sekarang, kami punya kuis yang bisa kalian kerjakan untuk membangun kemampuan berbahasa Inggris kalian!

Make sentences in English that contain these words:

  • Pledge
  • Youngster