English Reading Listening Online Learning

Meningkatkan Minat Membaca dengan Audiobook

Apa kamu pernah mendengar barang yang namanya audiobook? Mungkin bagi sebagian orang, mereka baru pertama kali mendengar apa audiobook itu. Biasanya, orang-orang beralih pada podcast dan bukan audiobook karena podcast dapat didengarkan di mana pun, bahkan di aplikasi lagu. Selain itu, sebagian orang juga mungkin lebih suka mendengarkan radio. Meskipun begitu, kamu mungkin perlu memakai audiobook untuk membantu meningkatkan minat membacamu dalam bahasa Inggris!

Maka dari itu, kenapa tidak mencoba untuk meningkatkan minat membaca melalui audiobook? Bukan hanya terbatas pada tulisannya, namun juga ekspresi, pendengaran, dan pelafalan terlebih dalam bahasa Inggris!

Audiobook: Read to Live

Edward Bulwer-Lytton (Source:

Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a renowned British writer, once made a famous phrase which states “Read to Live, not Live to Read“. The meaning of this phrase is that you need to have a liking for reading to enrich your life, and not living for the sake of reading itself. Sometimes, we forget that there are many benefits to reading. Although the information that we get from a book can help us in our lives, too focused on reading books will make us forget that we need to implement that knowledge in real life. So, in conclusion, we need to live a balanced life.

However, there are also ways to balance your knowledge without the need to sort them out one by one. In today’s era, we can improve our critical thinking skills by reading and listening. So, the most appropriate way to do both reading and listening is through an audiobook.

What is an Audiobook?

Listening to audiobooks (Source:

The audiobook consists of two combined English explanations from audio (voice) and writings (book). Then, from those two types of explanations, it can be concluded that audiobooks are books in the form of sound. In the past, audiobooks were created for visually impaired persons. But now, it is more developed and can be enjoyed by anyone.

Apart from that, the audiobook has several versions. Some are in the form of a CD, while the rest of them are in the form of media players on a website. So, it feels like having an invisible teacher or listening to a storyteller. Those who like to read Japanese manga or Korean manhwa may be more familiar with the term Drama CD. Drama CDs work in a similar way to audiobooks, where a reader can enjoy the audio versions of the images from these East Asian comics.

5 Best Sites of Audiobooks

Loyal Books
Loyal Books (Source:

Then, at this point, you might be confused and curious about places where you can find an audiobook. Take it easy! Because this time, Engliven will give you the best 5 Audiobook sites that you can use by yourself to enrich your English skills!

A. Loyal Books

First, there is the Loyal Books website. This website offers free audiobooks of various genres, from science fiction to adventure and romance. You can use it by downloading the book title from Loyal Books, then you can listen to the MP3 file directly, or through the Apple Podcasts application. Also, the site offers audiobook content in 28 languages. So, it’s not just limited to English. The best part is that this site also provides e-book downloads for you if you don’t have the time to listen to the audiobooks.

B. Bookbox

Bookbox (Source:

The second website in this list that provides various highly recommended audiobooks for children to listen to is Bookbox. On this website, there are many types of audiobooks that contain short stories for children. Moreover, BookBox is a social company located in Pondicherry, India, which intends to create animated books for kids.

C. Open Culture

Open Culture (Source:

The third website on this list is Open Culture. This site does not only provide various kinds of audiobooks, but also free cultural and educational media for anyone who needs it. On this site, you can find online educational courses in all genres. Meanwhile, the choices you have made can later be listened to via free MP3 downloads, streaming, or iTunes.

D. Digitalbook

Digitalbook (Source:

The fourth website on this list, Digitalbook, has been endorsed by Amazon. On this site, they also offer various titles and genres. Besides, the website design that they use also looks clean and simple. So, you will be comfortable when exploring this site. Many of the audiobooks can be listened to as podcasts, so you can easily access them wherever you want as long as it’s on Apple Podcasts. One of the widgets on this site is the most popular audiobooks, so you can get recommendations from various people. You can also choose your own language based on your preferences.

E. Audiobook Treasury

Audiobook Treasury (Source:

The last website on this list is Audiobook Treasury, where there are various kinds of audiobooks with different categories of existing genres. Furthermore, if you want to download them, itis quite easy, so this website is highly recommended. Besides, this site is free to access and download, too!

Vocabulary Corner

So, that’s all for today’s audiobooks blog. If you find a vocabulary that is complicated to interpret, try to find it out in the table below. Hopefully, this will also help improve your vocabulary.

English WordsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Visually impairedTunanetra
Manga/Manhua/ManhwaKomik (dari Jepang/China/Korea)
Voice overPengisi suara
StreamingSiaran suara/video
WidgetsPerwakilan aplikasi

Quick Quiz

  1. Based on the article above, what are the benefits of an Audiobook?
  2. Bookbox is a social company for kids that created Anibooks. What does the name Anibooks stand for?
    a. Animal Books
    b. Anima Books
    c. Animation Books
    d. Anonymity Books

Then, don’t forget to give your comments or answers in the comment box below, okay? So, if you want to see other blogs, then go to this link immediately. Happy reading, everyone!

English Writing

Improve Your Writing Skills Using These 5 Types of Movies!

Have you ever thought of writing your own movie script? Saat kalian melakukan movie marathon atau sebuah series, mungkin pernah muncul rasa kecewa atau gemas ketika tak semua cerita fiksi tersebut memiliki ending atau akhir cerita seperti yang kalian harapkan. Padahal, terkadang kalian senang menebak-nebak bagaimana akhir dari sebuah drama Korea, serial TV, atau film. Apakah nanti ceritanya bakal berakhir bahagia atau sedih? Karena tanpa ending, sebuah cerita fiksi tentunya tidak akan lengkap.

Bagi seorang reviewer, sebuah cerita fiksi yang tidak memiliki ending memuaskan akan mendapatkan rating rendah. Maka dari itu, ini juga penting untuk diperhatikan bagi para penulis sebelum menulis kerangka cerita. Namun, tahukah kalian bahwa kemampuan menulis seseorang dapat meningkat dari menonton sebuah film, drama, series, maupun sinema televisi? Mari meningkatkan kemampuan menulis menggunakan film.

The Importance of Writing Skill

Writing is not only needed for school purposes. A company also needs candidates who are skilled at efficient writing and communicating. Even in this digital era, technology development hasn’t reduced the need for writing skills. Whether it’s email, online chat, or website updates, all of these require well-developed writing skills.

Obviously, the clearer the communication process is, the greater the chance that you’ll have to get a job. In any field or any profession, writing skills are needed in some parts of life’s journey.

Writing habit means expressing our thoughts in writing, which automatically also trains our brains to think logically and coherently. In this way, over time, our brains will also get used to building a written outline in the head without having to write it down first. So, once we learn something new and are asked to repeat it, we can convey it in a more structured manner even if it has not been written before. Thus, this is why writing skill is necessary. But, how can you improve your writing skill by using movies?

The Use of Movie to Improve Writing Skill

Writing a movie script in a discussion (Source:

According to a journal by Neliti entitled “Improving Students’ Skill in Writing Narrative Text Through Animation Movies”, the results stated that:

  • First, students can organize their ideas coherently by using appropriate narrative structures.
  • Second, students can use vocabulary more appropriately.
  • Third, students can write their narratives in grammatically correct sentences,
  • Lastly, students can use spelling and punctuation correctly in the composition of the writing they write. 

Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of movie can improve students’ writing skills and learning atmosphere during class hours.

5 Types of Movies

Bioskop, Tirai, Teater, Film, Latar Belakang
A movie cinema (Source:

The plot of a movie is different from one to the other. For example, the plots of The Nun (a horror movie), Underwater (a sci-fi adventure movie), Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (a fantasy television series), Dilan 1991 (a romance movie), or Kung Fu Panda (an action-comedy movie) greatly differ from each other. When the scriptwriters were writing the scripts, they had different visions from one another. Therefore, let’s develop your writing skills through the following 5 types of movies.

A. Cliffhanger

Usually, this term is used to refer to films known as cliffhangers films. It means a story that has reached the end of a cliff and is ready to jump to the conclusion (rising action – climax), but it was cut off and finished suddenly. This storyline is often in demand by producers who want to find or gradually attract an audience in each of their fictional works. Usually, this cliffhanger movie exists in a movie series or TV series.

Some of the most famous cliffhangers movies are Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and others.

B. Open-Ended

The second type of film in this list is actually often encountered and can annoy the audience. The reason is that this film has the intention of inviting the audience to participate in the ending of the story. So, it is we who should determine the ending. Whether the story will end well or not, it is all on the mind of the audience. Even though it seems unsatisfying, this ending is actually the second most searched type of movie ending on the internet. Because of that, it is important for you to continue the movie by writing an ending of the movie by yourself.

Examples of open-ended movies are Black Swan and others.

C. Circling Movie

Then, there is a film with a circling plot. Obviously, this ending has a plot that rotates until the end of the story. In general, a story will start with an introduction (exposition) before moving on to conflicts, rising actions, climax, falling actions, and resolutions. However, for a movie with a circular or circling ending, it has a story plot such as starting from exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, exposition, conflict – and so on. Sometimes, the film just gets to the falling action stage, then returns to where the problem started.

This movie is somewhat similar to a video game. So, it is up to the main players or the audience to decide the ending themselves. The movie with this revolving plot is usually a sci-fi, time paradox, time traveler, or horror-thriller film.

An example of movies with a circle ending is In The Tall Grass from Netflix.

D. Closed 

This is probably the most common type of movie out there, which is usually split into two endings, namely a happy film (happy ending) or a sad ending. Later, the sad ending can also be divided into several subgenres such as Angst, Tragedy, Irony, and others.

This closed ending carries a storyline that has been closed or finished properly according to the plot. Thus, it makes the audience understand the ending of the story without the need to see the continuation because it is satisfying already.

Examples of movies that have closed endings are Ayah Mengapa Aku Berbeda and others.

E. Twist 

Lastly, this twist-filled film is often known as a plot twist in a movie. When a story runs as usual until the climax phase, the story suddenly goes out of the expectations of both the readers and the viewers. The twist ending is unexpectable. Usually, this film is a story from the action, thriller, or crime genre. The key when writing a film with a twist ending is giving clues beforehand. The reason is that every clue that exists can tell you that character A is not necessarily good and character B is not necessarily evil.

An example of works that have a twist ending is Knives Out (Movie).

Vocabulary Corner

Last but not least, we have arrived at this point where you can find explanations about difficult vocabulary that you have read before. Therefore, here is the table to expand your knowledge about writing!

English WordsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
ReviewerSeseorang yang melakukan peninjauan ulang serta memberikan komentar dan nilai (rate)
Sci-Fi (Science Fiction)Karya fiksi yang berhubungan dengan sains
TrilogySeri karya sastra yang terdiri dari tiga rangkai
ExpositionPerkenalan terhadap tokoh dan latar
Rising actionPeningkatan masalah
ClimaxKlimaks/puncak masalah
Falling actionAntiklimaks (alur puncak masalah mulai turun)
ResolutionResolusi (penyelesaian)

So, have you now discovered a new interest to create a story and even to produce a short film by yourself with taking inspiration from the films above? Therefore, share in the comments below! Who knows, creating your own work can probably be beneficial and profitable for you in this pandemic. Finally, see you next time on our blog!

Business English

Tips Mengembangkan Startup di Usia Muda

Mendengar kata startup mungkin akan bembuat kalian teringat akan serial drama Korea yang baru-baru ini selesai dan menjadi banyak perbincangan banyak orang-orang. Start-Up adalah drama yang dibintangi oleh Nam Joohyuk, Bae Suzy, dan Kim Seonho, di mana drama ini menceritakan kisah orang-orang di dunia perusahaan rintisan atau startup. Namun kini, Engliven akan membahas bersama kalian tentang makna dan tips Startup itu sendiri. Karena tentu saja yang bisa membangun startup bukan hanya Seo Dalmi, Han Jipyeong, atau Nam Dosan!

Oleh karena itu, jangan ke mana-mana dan temukan beberapa hal yang semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi kalian tentang tips dan bagaimana menanamkan jiwa startup kepada kalian di tahun baru ini, sehingga membuat tahun ini berbeda daripada tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

The Definition of Startup

Bae Suzy in Start-Up (Source:

First, let’s start with the word startup itself which comes from the uptake of English. It means a business that has just been started. A startup is a company that has been operating recently, so it is usually not more than five years running. In other words, startup means companies that have just founded or are still in the development phase to find markets and develop their products. Until recently, the term startup company usually refers to companies whose services or products are technology-based. 

Also, building a startup is not just a matter of launching a product in the market without much consideration. Indeed, launching a product is one of the milestones of success, but long before that, there are many things that you must prepare.

Tips to Build Your Own Startup

The effective tips (Source:

Based on IDN Times and Niagahoster, here are some tips for building and also developing a startup.

Learn the Basics

The journey of building a startup is the best education an entrepreneur can have. Because every new lesson is a situation that will be faced in the real world. Then, at this stage, you need to learn the basics of startups and join a group that supports you in building a startup. So later, you can explore new learning topics.

Making the Right and Best Website

The website is the heart of a business. So, make sure every little detail on the website perfectly fits the business. Because your image and reputation will look good in the eyes of consumers.

Besides, when creating a website, you need to make sure all aspects are aligned and there is no miscommunication. Because business owners are usually trapped in the technical aspects of the website. Therefore, paying attention to domain names is also very important before building a startup.

Choose the Right Niche or Topic

The process of building a business also depends on many factors. One of them is the choice of the right niche. To build a startup and develop it, you need to know which aspects you need to focus on first. Thus, the focus will help you know which strengths and weaknesses in your business.

Then, you can determine what kind of niche to master. This next step will determine the overall marketing strategy. Together, these two things are equally important to ensure consistent startup development.

Listen and Observe Your Competitors

Next, observe other startup founders, listen to their stories, interview, look at your competitors, talk to their customers, and feel free to share ideas or seek feedback. This pre-execution stage can be the validation, market, and customer research stages in building a market, so it is very beneficial.

If you are exploring ideas for your startup, one of the things you can do is interviewing competing founders or product leaders to learn about their markets, customers, solutions, marketing initiatives, challenges they face, plans, and vision. So, this interview can later become a basis for your business plan.

Keep Updated with the Latest Trends

Then, as an entrepreneur, learning is something that needs to be done continuously especially when you are trying to build a startup and develop it. Therefore, you need to keep abreast of the latest industry trends and other business developments. Then, look at competitors from the same industry, as in the previous stage. So, learn from their experiences, successes, and failures.

The Challenges

The challenges of the business (Source:

Maybe, for some people building and developing a startup is easy, and anyone can do it. However, behind that, some challenges need to be faced. 


First, the most complicated thing is when our startup business is in the process of scalability or how to make the startup bigger, since we need to seriously consider the scale of the business’ expansion.

Flexible to change

Secondly, because the world of startups always brings rapid change, you must have the resilience and flexibility to change. For example, when the startup business is increasingly successful, you must be prepared for various changes such as culture, capital, marketing, customers, problems, and others.

Learn from failure

Finally, failure is general in the startup world. You need to become a person who will not easily succumb to failures, but can learn new things immediately when you failed.

Vocabulary Corner

Then, that’s all for today’s blog about ‘Startup’. If you find any difficult words in this article, you can take a look at the table below. Therefore, you can understand it well and you can use different vocabulary.

English WordsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
MilestonesTonggak Sejarah
DomainDomain/Wilayah wewenang
Keep abreast ofIkuti terus

Finally, you can try the tips above and we hope it could be successful. Don’t forget to comment on the quiz below, then you can also add the answer. Thus, you can find other blogs of Engliven’s for your reading enjoyment. Follow us for further information and see you next time!

Business English English Reading

7 Peluang Usaha Dengan Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris di Tahun 2021

Begitu memasuki tahun 2021, tentu banyak orang bertanya-tanya mengenai apa saja peluang usaha yang bermodal kecil namun menghasilkan untung besar. Karena faktanya, orang Indonesia masih harus beradaptasi dengan pandemi di tahun 2021. Sehingga masih banyak yang belum dapat dipastikan pada beberapa waktu mendatang mengenai peluang usaha. Padahal kebutuhan semakin tinggi, dan kita tidak punya cukup modal untuk melakukan sesuatu. Makanya, membuka usaha sampingan atau menciptakan peluang usaha sendiri adalah salah satu jalan yang cocok untuk diterapkan. Sekarang, saat semuanya mulai teratasi secara berkala, apa saja sebenarnya peluang usaha yang dapat kalian ciptakan sendiri tanpa perlu banyak memakan modal? Terlebih kalau hanya mengandalkan bahasa Inggris.

Ternyata, ada 7 peluang usaha bahasa Inggris yang terbuka. Kita bisa mencobanya tanpa perlu pusing memikirkan modalnya karena kalian hanya memerlukan smartphone dan koneksi internet. Mari simak ketujuh peluang usaha tersebut serta apa sebenarnya manfaat dari belajar bahasa Inggris dalam dunia bisnis.

The Benefits of Learning English in Business

Peluang usaha (Source:

Based on what was written on the EFL Magazine page, they explained that there are at least 5 benefits of learning English in the business world. Although more than 7,000 languages ​​are spoken worldwide, English is the most common or universal language. Therefore, English is also referred to as the language bridge that connects all languages ​​of many countries.

Due to its dominance, English is the main language spoken in the international business environment. Moreover, English is known as the “language of opportunity.” The language is considered as an opportunity because English mastery in the business world can increase career prospects, open job opportunities, and increase the work’s success. Besides, Business English is a language that should be required for every businessperson and worker in increasing his career progress.

However, here are 5 necessary things that are most relevant in business and commerce.

Universally Spoken

Firstly, English is one of the most spoken languages in the world. The reason is 54 countries located in Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Australia, and other countries officially use English. At the same time, 375 million people recognize English as their first language. Thus, English is universally considered the language of choice that can also bridge different people from different origins.

The Language of Business Communication

Secondly, in commerce and business, communication between businessperson is usually done in English. For example, you are expected to be able to carry out negotiations and business transactions in English. Also, you must be able to write and respond to memos, emails, employment contracts, reports, and agreements in English. However, it all depends on your mastery of English. The reason is that if you feel that your English is lacking, maybe you should use the services of a professional translation company to do those tasks.

Better Employment Prospects

Thirdly, one of the greatest advantages of learning English is that it can significantly increase one’s job opportunities and career prospects. People who are fluent in English are highly sought after by many companies, especially multinational companies. When people are looking for a job, your mastery of speaking and understanding English can give you a tremendous advantage over other candidates. Moreover, this benefit is still very useful for the next few years. This is the reason why your English mastery will be your biggest advantage.

Opportunities for Business Travel

Fourthly, with an increasingly globalized world, opportunities for business travel are becoming more abundant. So, as a result of learning English, an entrepreneur or worker from one country can communicate with an entrepreneur from another country. Besides, it also makes it easier to communicate while traveling with non-business people.

English is the Language of Technology

And finally, in the field of technology, English has played an important role from time to time. Because as mentioned earlier, English is a global language. So, when people are teaching technology and computer science, they will use English terms. Businesses can also grow rapidly with technological breakthroughs, research, and the implementation of good communication with colleagues because the common language used in the field project is English.

7 Job Opportunities

After knowing the five benefits of English in business English, what are the 7 English-language related business opportunities that can be opened in 2021?


Write it down (Source:

Here, we will discuss a job that people usually use. What kind of job is it? For example, in the final semester in university, literature students will ask questions about their future plans. If you have graduated, then what should be done? A literature study program, especially foreign literature, requires you to master a language other than Indonesian. Therefore, after graduation or even when you have free time while studying, you can use this literary ability as a translator service.

After that, with the internet and laptop or smartphone, you can offer your services to multinational companies, schools, or parties who need translation services. Even right now, there are also translation services for an Instagram caption!

An Online Author

Wattpad’s homepage (Source:

Furthermore, those who are familiar with platforms like Wattpad or Noveltoon should already be familiar with this business opportunity. Because apparently, writing can be a promising business opportunity. One of the business prospects in 2021 is to become an online writer. Besides, this business can also be done from home and even without spending any money.

Also, you can choose to be part-time or full-time online writer. After that, several platforms can help you to look for open projects, namely Sribulancer and Upwork. If you are not interested in freelancing websites, you can also try teen platforms such as Wattpad, Dearme, and others that provide fiction stories in English.

Online Course

An online course (Source:

Furthermore, do you know about online courses? Perhaps, when you hear about private courses, you will think that it sounds complicated. It could be because the registration and course fee is not cheap, you must fulfill several document requirements, and so on. Then, there are also many class preparations and business competition is still quite fierce.

However, online courses are different. Because besides being able to start the business from home, there are various types of class promotions on their websites. But this time, we will focus on English or foreign language courses. It is because English is increasingly needed in the world of learning and business. Therefore, participating in an online course is certainly not impossible.

Article Writer

Make your article (Source:

Other than the previous opportunities, you can become an article writer. If you have trouble managing a blog, but your writing interest is high, you can offer your writing services by becoming an article writer. You can write articles on other people’s blogs, or you can also write articles on news sites.

Because usually, successful bloggers have many blog branches. Hence, they couldn’t be able to write multiple articles at once. So, they will accept article writing services from other people for their blogs. Certainly, this is an opportunity for you to offer your services. Since you can use English, you can make articles from abroad or from your country in English. Furthermore, usually in Indonesia, you will get paid around Rp. 15,000 to Rp. 30,000 per 500 words.


A blog from Engliven (Source:

The next business opportunity is to become a blogger. You need to know that a blogger is someone who continuously uploads the content in the form of travel articles, news articles, opinion articles, and many more on their website.

So, to become a blogger, you must have a personal website and an ongoing internet connection. There are tons of online blogging platforms that you can use, such as Wix, WordPress, Blogspot, and so on.

Apart from that, you can also share your writings about English or other foreign languages on your blog. Because you can get money from the articles that you post, this can be interesting for you. Therefore, you can use AdSense on the blog to monetize your blog once it is famous enough while offering advertising services to companies related to your blog and others.

Content Creator

Be a content creator (Source:

Social media is now a lifestyle that creates many opportunities for creative people. Because these opportunities are useful for starting a new business, either in expanding the business or developing content. Moreover, you can start creating content on social media such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and so on, only by using gadgets, the internet, and creative ideas.

Don’t be afraid to try new things because as a content creator you have to be patient. Last but not least, you must also be able to determine the theme of your account. So, it can be different from other content creators. You can earn your income based on ads and also the number of views. 

Typing Service

Hands of an office woman typing (Source:

The next job opportunity only requires a laptop or computer and a hobby of typing. If you have fulfilled all of that, then this business is for you. Besides, businesses with typing services do not spend money that much on their work. Thus, you can offer your typing skills, especially for students or school children. It’s because they need a quick paper or report if needed, meanwhile, typing skills are highly sought too.

Vocabulary Corner

So, those are the seven English business opportunities that you can apply for. Do you find any sentences or words that you don’t understand? Try now to look at the table below, who knows you might find those words here.

English WordsArti dalam bahasa Indonesia
Sought after Dicari-cari
TremendousBanyak sekali

Quick Quiz

  1. What language do people usually use in commerce and business?
  2. What’s the difference between an Article Writer and a Blogger?
    a. the contents
    b. the widgets
    c. the websites

After reading this blog, what kind of business would you like to open in the year 2021? Try to share and also comment on your answers in the comment box below. Then, don’t forget to read other Engliven blog articles here! Moreover, did you know that Engliven has Business English classes? Let’s check this link!

Speak To Spark

2021 Resolution: It’s Time to Upskill Your English Speaking!

Kenapa tidak awali resolusi tahun ini dengan meningkatkan kemampuan speaking kalian? Karena belajar bahasa Inggris tentu tidak lengkap jika tidak mempelajari dan mempraktikkan speaking kalian, bukan? Meski faktanya ada banyak sekali cara untuk meningkatkan kemampuan speaking, tapi tidak semua dapat menguasainya entah secara otodidak maupun melalui les online. Kenapa? Karena tidak semua orang lebih bisa merasa nyaman dan percaya diri ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris. Padahal, selama kamu nyaman terlebih dahulu dengan kemampuan kamu dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, sudah menjadi poin penting, lho!

Oleh karena itu, mengapa tidak mencoba meningkatkan kemampuan speaking bahasa Inggris kalian dengan beberapa cara berikut? Sehingga kita tidak hanya mengandalkan fluency saja, melainkan juga membangun kepercayaan diri dan pelatihan bersama guru-guru yang menyenangkan, maupun melalui permainan!

‘UpskillYour English Speaking!

Have you ever heard of the word “upskill”? Upskill is an effort to continue to improve and advance the abilities that you previously have so that they can continue to improve over time. Some people have done this upskill method, and one of them is a teacher because as time goes by, there are so many things that need to be updated, such as the way the teacher teaches and transfers their knowledge.

Then, how about you? With your current position, upskilling your English Speaking is a great advantage. Due to the fact that in this era, there are so many job vacancies that require employees to understand and speak English. Not only for those who work, but students will also get many benefits, especially scholarships and other opportunities. So, how can you upskill your English skills? 

Here, there are several options. Let’s see some of them!

A. Read lots of books in English

The first Time Magazine (Source:

Choose a book or magazine that you love so you don’t get bored quickly with your reading choices! The benefits of reading by yourself can increase the capacity of the mind. By simply reading and understanding the thoughts the author was trying to convey, you can imprint them in your long-term memory about the way they express their thoughts. If you do this often, when you speak English, you will unconsciously use the words and expressions used by the authors of the books you have read.

B. Don’t be too focused on your mistakes first

It isn’t a bad mistake! (Source:

The fear of making mistakes often makes people feel less confident and prefer to remain silent. But honestly, it’s an unnecessary fear, even though you can’t help how you feel.

However, remember that making mistakes can be a good thing. Because by making mistakes, we can learn something from them. Moreover, it is important to remember that every learning process is a journey. Therefore, remember to always learn from the mistakes that have been made.

C. Listen to people who speak English

Listen and learn (Source:

Apart from reading, we also need to listen to certain conversations in English. You can do it by either listening to the pronunciation or listening to their tone of speech. So, by listening to good speakers, you can imitate the expressions they use. For example, Ted Talks on the Internet or short plays and dramas can provide reliable English subtitles for your learning experience.

D. Ask people to correct your speaking

Practice it with your friends (Source:

If you are playing with your friends, they probably won’t correct your English unless you ask them to correct you. Because if they suddenly cut your words in the middle and they try to correct you, they will feel rude and reluctant. But if you ask your colleagues and friends for help by pointing out your mistakes in speaking English, then they will be very happy to correct them, and you will quickly improve your ability to speak English fluently.

E. Record your speech

Record your words (Source:

After you receive confirmation from your friends, it is time to record your voice. Every smartphone has a ‘record’ feature, which is very useful for those who want to learn foreign languages. Even though you may not like to record yourself speaking, it can help us understand pronunciation as well as the rhythm of speaking. Speaking too fast or speaking too low can also be a consideration.

F. Boost your confidence

Be confident! (Source:

However, even though you may have overcome all obstacles, you need to know that the most basic thing before learning how to speak another language is self-confidence. Because without confidence, you will find it difficult to express what you want to convey. The way to develop it is that no matter what anyone says, the show must go on, exercise yourself, do things that make your heart happy, and keep it in yourself that you are just like all the successful people out there.

G. Play games!

Play and practice (Source:

The good news is that playing ESL games is the best choice for learning English as a friend. It’s because one of the best ways for you to learn English is by turning your hobby into a language learning experience. So, it makes English practice fun and easier to remember.

Apart from that, it can help you memorize vocabulary and practice speaking and writing in English in a fun and educational way. One of the games is Playing With Alexa from 20 Questions. They will also train you in speaking English.

Speak to Spark!

Join us now! (Source: @engliven)

If you’re curious about the best program to practice your English skills, you can join Speak to Spark in Engliven because Speak to Spark can effectively cover all of the methods above. Also, Speak to Spark is not only for those who are very busy, but it is also available for children who want to develop their speaking skills in communicating and improve their 21st Century Skills. So, don’t worry, because professional Engliven teachers will guide you and your friends in a conducive and fun learning group!

Get a Free 1 Month Class! (Source:

Up until now, this program is still open. So, register yourself immediately before it’s too late, and you can upskill your English and complete your resolutions this year well because many benefits are waiting for you. Build your self-confidence, and let’s explore the world with our ability to communicate in English!

For further information, you can go to this site.

Vocabulary Corner

From what you’ve read above, that’s how you can improve your English speaking skills. So, did you have any difficulties while reading this article? You can find the word in this table, and also match it with Indonesian for better understanding.

English WordsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Imprint(Meninggalkan) Jejak/Membekas
UnconsciouslyTanpa disadari
Pointing outMenunjukkan
ESL gamesPermainan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua (English as a Second Language games)

Quick Quiz

  1. Which of these methods do you think can increase your self-confidence?
    a. Comparing yourself with others
    b. It’s easy to be fooled by what people say
    c. Understand yourself
    d. Hurry to do something
  2. Based on the explanation above, if upskill is the ability to continuously renew what we already have, then what is reskill?

So, that’s all for today. Hopefully, this can be useful for you and your colleagues too! Please answer the quick quiz above, as well as your comments in the column below. Don’t forget to check out Engliven‘s other blogs! Finally, see you soon!

Around the World What's On

2021 New Year’s Eve Celebration Around The World

3, 2, 1, Happy New Year! Kita semua rindu dengan teriakan itu di tengah alun-alun atau pantai bersama dengan keluarga maupun teman. Tahun Baru adalah suatu perayaan dalam berbagai budaya guna merayakan pergantian tahun pada akhir bulan Desember ke awal bulan Januari. Kemudian, perayaan akan dilanjutkan dengan perhitungan awal tahun kembali. Begitulah perayaan dari tahun ke tahun mengenai malam Tahun Baru. Selain itu, setiap budaya yang memiliki kalender tahunan pasti punya tanggal untuk Tahun Baru.

Pada awalnya, perayaan Tahun Baru muncul pada tahun 2000 SM di Timur Tengah. Penduduk Mesopotamia melakukan perayaan perpindahan tahun ketika matahari tepat berada di atas garis khatulistiwa (20 Maret). Oleh karena itu, pastinya di setiap negara memiliki tradisi menyambut malam tahun barunya masing-masing. Lalu, tradisi apa sajakah itu dan bagaimana dengan tips merayakan tahun baru di masa pandemi seperti ini? Kita tengok, yuk!

New Year’s Eve Traditions 

Apart from igniting fireworks and blowing trumpets, there are all kinds of New Year’s Eve traditions in other parts of the world. Then, have you heard of these traditions before? Now, take a look at 9 New Year’s Eve traditions below!

1. Songkran Festival (Thailand)
Keep your electronics away! (Source:

Unlike New Year’s Eve in other countries, Thai people believe that their traditional new year falls every year in April. Thus, the celebration takes place on April 13-15. The reason is that traditionally, Thai people have their own calendar apart from the common Gregorian calendar.

So, Thailand hosts the Songkran festival for three days every year. Besides this time frame, the festival is carried out by spraying and splashing water on anyone they meet on the street.

2. Jump Around! (Brazil and Denmark)
Let’s jump! (Source:

Every year on New Year’s Eve, the Danes will stand on chairs together. Then, when the new year arrived, they would jump off the chairs. Thus, they do this with the hope of getting good luck in the new year.

Similarly, in Brazil, they go to the beach and jump over seven waves on New Year’s Eve while also making seven wishes for the new year. It is believed that they do it seven times because number 7 means good luck. Same with the Danes, all of these jumps are done so that people can wish for something good in the new year!

3. Joya no Kane (Japan)
Temple bell in Japan (Source:

In Japan, the people have a tradition during New Year’s Eve where they ring a large bell at Buddhist temples during the night. The traditional ceremony is also known as Joya no Kane (Tolling Bell Ceremony). They will ring a bell 108 times, which is believed by the people that ringing the bell can drive away evil spirits and human sins.

4. Za Zdorovjie (Russia)
People enjoying champagne (Source:

Next, in Russia, people take their New Year’s wishes seriously, and they will try to make sure their wishes will come true. Russians then write their wishes on a piece of paper and burn the paper. After that, they put the ashes in a glass of champagne and drink it. Cheers!

5. Maleta Vacía and Champana (Ecuador)
Running with the suitcase (Source:

Then, we move on to the next country, Ecuador in South America. In this country, there is also the sight of people running around residential blocks with empty suitcases when celebrating New Year. Besides that, the tradition of Maleta Vacia is believed to make people visit more holiday tourist destinations.

The people of Ecuador also have another unique tradition during the new year, namely Champana. This tradition is demonstrated by pouring champagne all over the body on New Year’s Eve as it symbolizes prosperity in the new year.

6. Paint the Front Door Red (China)
Red color means good luck in Feng Shui (Source:

In China, Chinese people believe that painting the front door of the house with red color when they celebrate New Year or Chinese New Year will invite fortune for them. Apart from painting doors, people often put red ribbon cutouts on windows and doors as a sign of good luck for the coming year. Because red is considered the color of good fortune happiness in Feng Shui, people in China do this kind of tradition every year.

7. Cotechino con Lenticchie (Italy)
Cotechino con le Lenticchie (Source:

Next, if you like to eat food so much, you have to be a prosperous person. In Italy, the traditional dishes that Italians eat during New Year’s Eve are called as cotechino and also lenticchie (sausage and lentils). The reason is that it is said that food can bring all kinds of good luck in the new year. Besides that, lentils are likened to money that shows wealth. Then, the dinner tradition will end with fried balls topped with honey and powdered sugar.

8. Dive into A Frozen Lake (Russia)
Diving in a lake (Source:

Then, in Siberia in Russia, as a brave Siberian diver, there is a unique tradition of making a hole in the frozen Lake Baikal and diving into the like while planting a tree. The Lena River in Siberia is also another location for Siberians to celebrate the New Year.

Like Christmas trees, Siberians plants New Year’s trees as symbols of starting something new. However, one thing that should be remembered is that this tradition is only open to professional divers who are experienced and strong enough to dive.

9. Throw the Sofa (South Africa)
Throwing a sofa (Source:

Finally, for those of you who are going to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Johannesburg, South Africa, don’t be surprised to see the view of the ‘flying’ sofa. Why? Because throwing an unused sofa from the window of a house or apartment is a tradition that has been carried out for decades.

This tradition is a symbol for throwing past problems and also starting something new. It’s no surprise then that people in Johannesburg often stock up on refrigerators, sofas, and other vintage items, weeks before New Year’s Eve.

Tips to Celebrate New Year’s Eve Safely

Wear a mask! (Source:

Quoted from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Tuesday (11/17/2020), here are some safe ways for you to celebrate the end of this year:

  • First, wear a mask of two layers or more to prevent transmission of Covid-19.
  • Second, maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters from people who do not live with you.
  • Third, wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or you can use hand sanitizer (minimum 60% alcohol).
  • Fourth, bring your food, drink, plates, glasses, and utensils.
  • Fifth, if you are hosting guests at home, make sure the people present to follow the steps above so they can meet safely. Some of the other steps you can add as a host include:
    • Clean and also disinfect frequently touched and used surfaces and items.
    • Next, limit the number of people around the food area.
    • Then, ask guests to bring their own drinks and food.
    • Finally, if sharing a meal, ask one person to serve the meal and use the single-use option.

Celebrate The New Year at Home

New Year’s celebration at home (Source:

New Year’s Eve accompanied by warmth from your family or relatives can make you feel very happy. Why do we need to go out if staying at home, which is more pleasant, more affordable, and closer to our beds, can make us happy? Also, celebrating New Year’s Eve at home is the safest and shortest option during this pandemic. This option is also preferable by medical workers rather than going outside. After all, did you know that there are many creative ways to celebrate the new year, even at home?

Therefore, according to PopSugar, there are a few tips to make this New Year’s Eve no less fun and special than previous years. You can share it with friends, family, and also your partners!

  • Prepare your favorite food, drink, change of clothes, and also movies.
  • You can also watch the movies together with friends even though you are not in one location with the Rave application or Caracal.
  • Playing games and watching live videos of the New Year’s Eve festival is no less amusing as well.
  • Don’t forget to prepare your favorite cake!

Vocabulary Corner

Finally, those are some traditions and tips in different countries for celebrating New Year’s Eve. Then, did you have any difficulties while reading this article? Moreover, what words you don’t understand here? Try to look at the table below to find out English vocabulary that you also don’t know!

English WordsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
ChampagneSampanye (minuman mengandung alkohol)
Stock upMenyimpan
UtensilsPeralatan (makan)

Then, do you have a resolution for the year 2021? Don’t forget to add a resolution for learning English, okay? After that, you can visit Engliven’s other blog too here. Last but not least, Happy New Year for all of you!

What's On

Play and Learn: 5 Kegiatan Natal Ini Patut Dicoba!

Coba kalian lakukan 5 kegiatan play & learn ini ketika malam Natal tiba atau mungkin dari sekarang. Kenapa? Karena Hari Natal hanya tinggal menghitung hari saja dengan jarimu. Sedangkan itu, perayaan ini hanya terjadi selama setahun sekali. Sudah pasti kalian tidak akan sabar untuk menyambut kehangatan kala Natal tiba. Saudara yang berkumpul, minuman jahe, kado-kado di lantai, dan lain sebagainya. Faktanya, memang ada banyak sekali kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan. Hanya saja, tahun ini sedikit terhambat dengan adanya pandemi COVID-19 ke Indonesia. 

Karena adanya pandemi tersebut, kita tidak boleh berkumpul lama-lama dengan jumlah yang banyak. Maka dari itu, untuk menghilangkan kebosanan atau mungkin kebingungan kalian dalam mengisi hari-hari mendekati Natal, apa salahnya bermain sambil belajar?  Jadi, simak 5 kegiatan mengasyikkan di bawah ini, yuk!

Fun Activities for English Practice

Christmas snacks (Source:

This kind of activity has so many benefits, such as improving pronunciation, adding vocabulary, and others. Also, the benefits of play & learn activity on their own allow a person to get to know themselves and develop satisfying behavior patterns in life. Play & learn activity also helps someone to develop social relationships with other people, the environment, and many others. Moreover, it helps a person to improve critical thinking.

Furthermore, the benefit of learning while playing is the capability to practice language skills. Through communication, the vocabulary level known by a person will continue to increase. Therefore, we can start doing that right now!

Christmas Tongue Twister

Trying tongue twister (Source:

Tongue twisters will not only teach you about pronouncing words but it can also bring spirit to your family or friends! You can write your own personally-made tongue twister or search it on the internet. Moreover, if you write your own tongue twister, you can insert a friend’s name along with similar vocabulary to make the game even funnier. However, if you run out of ideas, try these 3 tongue twister lines:

  • Chilly chipper children cheerfully chant.
  • Tiny Timmy trims the tall tree with tinsel.
  • Christmas candles cascade characters on the ceiling.

Guess What I Am!

Guessing things (Source:

The second game in our list of games will take you to explain different Christmas-related items in turns. So, start by thinking about a list of stuff. The list can consist of kinds of stuff you can use, such as Christmas trees, lights, socks, gifts, Santa Claus, and many more. Then, one person will draw the item on paper, and another person will be a guesser. Then, one more person is in charge of giving directions about the stuff that has been described without saying what they are.

For example, your friend may say, “I am red, and I hang by the fire. Sometimes, other people wear me on their feet.” Thus, that’s when the guesser has to guess what the answer is.

Christmas Story Recall

Christmas game (Source:

The third activity requires someone good at listening to a story and remembering details about a story. So, we can know how exactly good that person is when listening and remembering a story.

You can start the activity by telling your relatives or friends amusing stories. Maybe like the story of how you got your first Christmas present. Next, you have to tell the story once or twice and challenge them with the details in the story. The question can be like, “What color was my pajama when I woke up in that morning?”

Watching Christmas Movies

Watching movies (Source:

In the Christmas season, it’s a great time to watch Netflix and to learn English at the same time. Maybe it sounds a bit bitter since you can’t enjoy Christmas party with everyone. But, this is one of the effective habits (HabitHack) to improve your language skills.

By watching movies, you can sharpen your conversation skills and perfect your accent. Moreover, you can learn it on the sofa, on your bed, anywhere! If you don’t know what to watch, here are three recommendations:

  • A Christmas Prince
  • The Holidate
  • Let It Snow

Guessing Christmas Songs!

People singing Christmas songs (Source:

The fifth activity is a combination of Christmas Story Recall and Guess What I Am. However, this time, we use an instrument with a singer we may or may not know. Then, you will play the song for 5 seconds or until the first word of the singer is sung. Meanwhile, others will try to guess the next lyrics. You can also guess who the singer is and what the title is.

In this game, place a doll or plastic hammer in the middle of the guessers. Whoever manages to lift the object first has the right to answer.

Vocabulary Corner

So, what do you think about today’s article? You can scroll up the article to look for unknown words, then you can check the words in the table below. The table is sorted in paragraph order.

English WordsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Run outKehabisan
TinselPerada (kertas dari emas)
CascadeBerpencar (ke bawah)
In chargeBertugas/bertanggung jawab

Finally, that’s all for today. If you have any questions or comments, then you can click the comment box. Hopefully, Christmas will bring you joy, happiness, also warmth. You can also check our blogs too. See you next time!

Around the World English Reading English Vocabulary Habit Hack Online Learning Speak To Spark

Mengenal 21st Century Skills Sejak Usia Muda

21st century atau abad ke-21 ini telah membuat banyak life skills terbantu oleh teknologi digital. Karena seiring berjalannya waktu, banyak teknologi yang mengambil alih dan menjadi jalan cepat untuk menyelesaikan suatu aktivitas. Contoh dari aktivitas tersebut adalah memperlancar bakat, meningkatkan minat, dan memperluas kemampuan. Padahal, setiap orang tentunya memiliki bakat yang berbeda, bukan?

Therefore, to keep up with the modern times, we also need to know how important 21st century life skills are. This is because 21st century skills contain many soft skills that everyone must have, especially in this digitalized era. The meaning of this of this suggestion is to persuade ourselves into improving our skills and talents along with the ongoing technological developments. However, a lot of people still don’t realize the importance of having 21st century skills. Then, what are the example of the 21st century skills and what are their roles in our lives?

21st Century Soft Skills

Based on The Glossary of Education Reform, 21st-century skills is a term for modern skills in the 21st century. This definition refers to the broad knowledge, habits at work, and character that is believed by educators, alumni, college professors, CEOs, and others. Thus, it becomes very important for someone to learn these skills in order to be successful in life.

This skills specially important in college and career programs, as well as in contemporary workplaces. Besides that, these modern soft skills can be applied to all kinds of academic subject areas, educational environment, and careers throughout a person’s life.

How Important Is It?

Discussion with parents, teachers, and children (Source:

Obviously, 21st-century skills are necessary for our life. Because the skills that they offered are the essentials of a human’s life in this modern era. For example, we will not be able to live without knowing how to communicate because communication is our way of interacting with each other. Therefore, we must learn about these communication skills since they will help you a lot in your daily lives. 

What Are They?

21st Century Skills (Source:

So, how many skills do we have to know? In here, the soft skills are divided into several groups. As stated by the Applied Educational System, 21st Century Skills also have a total of 12 skills. Therefore, to make it easier, they are classified into three groups.

The first group is Learning Skills (The Four C’s). This group consists of Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication. Hence, the purpose of this group is as a mental process when adapting to the world of the work environment.

Then, the second category is Literacy Skills (IMT). This group consists of information, media, and also technology. The category aims to make the students or college students know which information is factual or misleading, as false information or opinions can lead to negative information (hoax). The students can differentiate the information with sophisticated technology, media, and also information dissemination. Moreover, this group teaches about publishing works.

The last or third category is Life Skills (FLIPS). This category consists of flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity, and also social skills. This group has a goal to make sure that we always focus on quality both in ourselves and during our education and careers.

Learn 21st Century Skills with Sparkids!

Zoom virtual tour with Engliven (Source: Engliven)

To improve 21st Century Skills, especially in the first group or learning skills (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication), Engliven provides a kids’ holiday program called Sparkids. This program will help children within the age of 5-10 years develop their critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication through Zoom virtual tours to several countries, such as South Korea, China, and England in 3 days.

In this program, several things will be provided for children. Furthermore, what do the kids get in this program? The kids will get a virtual tour to learn three different languages, fun activities to develop the kids’ 21st-century skills, language classes by experienced teachers, travel kits (printable vocab-convo cards and stickers), e-certificates, and also free ten emotion cards. 

Apart from helping them in developing their learning skills, the program can also help the children to learn many other things in these 3 countries as a small interactive group. 

So, register your nephew/niece or your children to this program early before the seats run out! Subsequently, you can fill your form through this Sparkids link to tag along in this wonderful program!

Vocabulary Corner

So, how is our adventure today through this article? Do you understand it all? Take a look at this table to learn new words that you probably don’t know

English WordsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Critical ThinkingPemikiran kritis
CollaborationKerja sama
VirtualHadir dengan menggunakan komputer di internet
KitsSewadah perlengkapan

Quick Quiz

  1. Based on the article above, which 21st Century Skills do kids get in Engliven’s holiday program called Sparkids?
    a. IMT
    b. FLIPS
    c. The Four C’s
  2. Which questions do you think encourage critical thinking for kids?
    a. What makes you different from your brother or sister?
    b. How old are you?
    c. Who is your favorite teacher’s name?

Finally, we arrive at the end of the article. That’s all for today’s article. If you have any questions or requests to join our classes, but you don’t know where to do it – you can comment below or you can click classes on the top of this article. Last but not least, don’t forget to see our next blog too!

English Reading English Vocabulary Habit Hack Online Learning

4 Aplikasi Chat Buat Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Kalian tetap bisa belajar bahasa Inggris kalian dengan berbagai habit hack lewat aplikasi belajar bahasa Inggris digital. Stay at home and stay in touch with the others. Berada di rumah bukan berarti menghentikan segala kegiatanmu dalam belajar hal baru. In this digital era, technology never ceases to amaze us, since technology can unite things that are far away or make things that seem impossible. Sebagai contoh, meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris langsung bersama native speakers melalui video call, voice call, hingga live streaming. Selain itu, kita juga bisa meningkatkan kemampuan menulis dengan chatting, writing a caption, or mentioning people di dalam post maupun live steaming kalian.

Program Sparkner oleh Engliven (Sumber:

Masa pandemi ini bukan menjadi hambatan bagi kalian untuk lancar berbahasa Inggris. You can join Sparkner with Engliven or you can also learn from chat applications. Berikut, ada 4 aplikasi chat belajar bahasa Inggris yang dapat membantumu belajar writing skill dan speaking skill bersama orang luar negeri secara mudah, bahkan mungkin juga untuk belajar bahasa lain bersama mereka!

Expand Your Language By Going On A Virtual Journey

Your perspective is always limited by how much you know. Expand your knowledge and you will transform your mind.” That’s what Dr Bruce H. Lipton said about knowledge. You can explore your knowledge and language by going on a journey. Moreover, have you ever tried to travel around the world using one application? You don’t need to go overseas to learn about new things. Wouldn’t it feel great?

By using chat application, you can learn speaking and writing from natives. In this kind of app, you can also learn other languages. Such as Japanese, Korean, Thai, Turkish, and so on. Besides that, you can also learn about culture with foreigners from abroad. Obviously, meeting someone who has different backgrounds will be a fun topic for you to talk about. Then, what English learning applications can help you?

The Applications

Social Media (Source:

In Google Play Store, there are about 40 chat applications that can make it easier for you to make friends with strangers. However, don’t be confused. Because this time, we will tell you 4 applications that can help you to learn English. So, tighten your seatbelt and enjoy your adventure!


Aplikasi Ablo (Source:

Ablo is a chat application that can be accessed via Android, laptop, or iPhone. The features are ranging from chatting, stories, voice calls, also video calls.

In this application, you don’t need to be afraid of pranksters who try to approach you. Because Ablo always prioritizes your comfort in this application. Additionally, they have prepared some topics which you can talk about. Therefore, you will not be bored with the conversation. Moreover, you can also send messages to each other even if you use different languages because they have prepared a translation feature. 


Logo Skout (Source:

This application will introduce you to the tens of thousands of people who have joined there. Not only in one country, but there are also many countries that you can visit. From America to Europe to Asia, there are so many countries with different people that you can befriend. Because of that, you might want to try this app immediately.

In this application, you can set the age and distance of the friends you want to reach. As well as that, you can do a live stream and gain some money tooEven soto access all of its features, you need to use a VPN (a virtual private network). But if you already have a VPN, then you can access this application completely.


Logo Twitter (Source:

Apart from being a social media, Twitter is also a place to make foreign friends more effectively and easily. Because of that reason, Twitter has skyrocketed along with Instagram, Whatsapp, and Facebook.

However, unlike other chat applicationson Twitter, you cannot do voice calls or video calls, apart from chatting and mentioning people. The key to use Twitter is searching and surfing for new people and information. As a result, you might find new people who are resourceful in so many things who can enrich your knowledge.


Logo Snapchat (Source:

The last application, we will introduce you to Snapchat! This application is often known as a good photo and bitmoji application. Previously, this application became known abroad in 2015, and its reputation is still ongoing. As a result, this application is still famous up to this day as well.

The features it provides are also interesting. Since it is different from the others, this application offers sharing moments named Snap. It is similar to reply to stories between fellow stories that are captured on the camera. Snapchat also offers you a feature to see people’s snaps, from around the worlds. In addition, we can also make friends and greet them even though we are from different countries. Because of that, it is very likely that you’ll get to see latest events and stories from around the world too.

Tips to Remember Things Quickly

Typing on the phone (Source:

Last but not least, you need some tips to enlighten your habit. Making friends through chat applications is one way to upgrade your daily habits and improve your English language skills. Also, ‘don’t be afraid’ is the main point to do this habit. Because, when you greet foreigners, they don’t really care about your mistakes in writing or speaking English. Few of them also learn English by using those applications. So, you need to boost your confidence

But, you need to remember! There will be a chance that some negative content will pass through your chat room (although you had filtered the contents). Hence, it’s a good idea to turn on privacy and safety features. Such asnot displaying any media information that may contain sensitive content‘. Stay safe online!

Vocabulary Corner

Thus, based on this article, how many new words that you have learned? You can see some of them in the table below.

English VocabsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
OverseasLuar negeri
PranksterOrang iseng/jahil
VPN (virtual private network)Jaringan maya pribadi yang memperluas ke jaringan publik.
SnapVideo/foto yang dibagikan dalam aplikasi Snapchat.

No one dares to judge you, when you want to expand your social circle by making friends. Kebiasaan chatting ini, tentunya akan menjadi terobosan baru kalian untuk membiasakan menulis atau berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris. Because of your spirit to keep on learning, your English skills will continue to improve.

You can join our classes too and we would be happy to help you with your English. Bagaimana? Apa kalian tertarik untuk belajar bahasa inggris melalui aplikasi atau bersama partner di Engliven?

Break the News

Hari Pahlawan 2020: Di Era Digital dan Di Masa Pandemi

Selamat Hari Pahlawan 2020! Seorang pahlawan adalah mereka yang pantang mundur apapun rintangannya, melawan dengan gagah berani demi membela kebenaran atau suatu hal yang begitu berarti baginya. Adapun hal berarti tersebut, bisa jadi sebuah negara, agama, kelompok, maupun antar rukun tetangga. 

Pada tanggal 10 November 1945, terjadi pertempuran di Surabaya antara pasukan kemerdekaan Indonesia melawan tentara Inggris. Ketika itu, pertempuran terjadi selama 3 minggu berturut-berturut sehingga dinamai Pertempuran Surabaya. Banyak pengorbanan yang telah terjadi oleh pasukan kemerdekaan Indonesia untuk melindungi Surabaya. Banyak orang tewas dalam pertempuran itu, terutama dari pasukan kemerdekaan Indonesia.

Namun, saat ini tentunya perang seperti itu tidak akan terjadi kembali. Karena, pada era digital ini Indonesia telah merdeka berkat perjuangan para pahlawan terdahulu. Maka kini, tugas kitalah agar menjadi pahlawan pada era digital dan masa pandemi dan mengenal siapa saja yang telah menjadi pahlawannya. 

Terjadinya Hari Pahlawan

Rongsokan mobil Brigadir Mallaby (kiri) dan Bung Tomo (kanan) (Sumber:

Mengutip dari Tribun News, pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, Indonesia masih belum sepenuhnya berdiri sendiri. Karena, meskipun tentara Jepang telah kalah, tentara Inggris datang ke Jakarta dan berhenti di Surabaya pada tanggal 25 September 1945 guna melucuti para tentara Jepang dan memulangkan para tawanan sebelumnya serta menyerahkan Indonesia kepada pemerintahan Belanda. 

Hal ini tentunya memicu kemarahan warga Surabaya. Karena, mereka merasa bahwa Belanda telah menyepelekan kemerdekaan Indonesia dan melecehkan bendera Merah Putih. Sehingga pada tanggal 27 Oktober 1945 di Hotel Yamato, Surabaya, warga Surabaya yang bernama Hariyono dan Koesno Wibowo naik ke atas hotel dan merobek bendera Belanda hingga tersisa warna merah dan putih, yang melambangkan bendera Indonesia. 

Mengetahui situasi yang mulai ricuh dan tidak kondusif kian berjalannya waktu, Mayor Jenderal Robert Mansergh mewakili A.W.S. Mallaby, mengeluarkan tuntutan yang menyatakan bahwa semua pemimpin dan orang Indonesia bersenjata harus melapor dan meletakkan senjatanya pada tempat yang ditentukan dan meminta agar rakyat Indonesia menyerah dengan mengangkat tangan ke atas dengan batas pukul 06.00 pada 10 November 1945.

Dari peringatan tersebut, terjadilah pertempuran yang berlangsung selama 3 minggu lamanya dengan kerugian berat.

Arti Tema dan Logo Hari Pahlawan 2020

Logo Hari Pahlawan 2020 (Sumber:

Pada tahun ini, Kementrian Sosial Republik Indonesia telah meluncurkan logo terbaru dan tema dari Hari Pahlawan 2020. Kali ini, tema yang diangkat adalah “Pahlawan Sepanjang Masa” dengan logo seseorang berdasi merah dengan tongkat kayu tengah mengibarkan bendera Merah Putih. 

Alasan Kementrian Sosial Republik Indonesia mengangkat tema ini karena makna pahlawan kala era digital kini telah berubah. Makna pahlawan pada tahun 2020 telah berubah menjadi luas, karena kita bukan lagi melawan penjajah agar tesingkir dari Indonesia. Melainkan, kita perlu membantu Indonesia agar maju dan terus berkembang dengan porsi posisi yang telah terisi masing-masing diri. 

Pahlawan Baru

Influencer (Sumber:

Jika pahlawan telah memiliki arti yang berbeda, lalu siapakah pahlawan baru tersebut? Adalah mereka, yang ikut mengembangkan bangsa dari berbagai bidang mulai dari content creator, olahragawan, influencer, pebisnis, artist, animator, medical workers dan lainnya.

Adapun, yang telah membantu Indonesia salah satunya sebagai berikut. 

  • Belanja Online

Para UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, Menengah), telah ikut menyumbangkan sebanyak 60% hingga 14 triliun dalam Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) Indonesia, pada tahun 2018. Dengan adanya situs belanja online, terlebih di masa pandemi seperti saat ini, UMKM online telah menjadi alternatif bagi para calon pengusaha baru yang ingin mendirikan bisnisnya dan juga membuka peluang pekerjaan baru bagi orang lain. Hanya saja, belum semua UMKM telah terhubung dengan dunia digital.

  • Transportasi Online

Salah satu jasa yang paling banyak penggunanya adalah ojek online karena selain praktis, juga menghemat waktu karena dapat melokasi suatu tempat, meski padat akan rumah warga. Meroketnya usaha transportasi online menjadi salah satu pahlawan dalam era digital yang bahkan telah diakui oleh Presiden Joko Widodo.

  • Influencer (YouTuber, content creator) 

Salah satu influencer yang telah membantu banyak UMKM (usaha mikro, kecil, menengah) melebarkan sayap bisnis (khususnya dalam bidang kuliner) adalah Magdalena Fridawati (@Mgdalenaf). Akun YouTube miliknya telah tembus hingga mencapai 3 juta subscribers, dan ia kerap kali ikut membangkitkan nafsu makan penonton juga gairah untuk mengunjungi kedai yang telah ia singgahi. Sampai kini usahanya dalam terus membantu UMKM dalam memberi review makanan masih tetap berjalan.

  • Tenaga Medis

Saat masa pandemi ini, sudah banyak sekali tenaga medis yang juga ikut berguguran demi melindungi rakyat Indonesia dari virus corona. Maka dari itu, medical workers sudah selayaknya menjadi pahlawan sepanjang masa pada Hari Pahlawan 2020, karena tanpa bantuan dan kerja keras mereka, yang berjuang menambah jam kerja dan menghindari keluarga sendiri demi menghadapi pandemi sejak bulan Maret lalu.

Jadilah Pahlawan Juga! 

Pahlawan di era digital (Sumber:

Now, it’s your time to shine! This year’s theme, everyone can be a hero. So, be a hero too! Explore yourself and challenge yourself more than usual. Because you will find out what your true desires and aspirations, for the future. Chase your passion and hone yourself until it bears meaningful fruits.

Vocabulary Corner

Apakah kalian menemukan kata-kata baru bahasa Inggris di atas? Coba perhatikan pada kolom berikut ini.

English VocabsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
It bears fruitMenghasilkan hal yang bagus
InfluencerSeseorang yang bisa mempengaruhi orang lain
Medical workersTenaga medis/pekerja medis
Content creatorPembuat/penghasil konten
ArtistSeniman (berbeda dengan selebriti/celebrity)
AnimatorPembuat animasi

Jadi, apakah kalian sudah siap untuk menjadi pahlawan saat era digital dengan suasana masa pandemi seperti ini? Sambil begitu, ada blog juga dari Engliven yang punya banyak artikel yang siap baca buat kamu.

Ayo, tunjukkan bakatmu dan bagikan pengalamanmu dalam kolom komentar, ya!