Improve Your Writing Skills Using These 5 Types of Movies!

Have you ever thought of writing your own movie script? Saat kalian melakukan movie marathon atau sebuah series, mungkin pernah muncul rasa kecewa atau gemas ketika tak semua cerita fiksi tersebut memiliki ending atau akhir cerita seperti yang kalian harapkan. Padahal, terkadang kalian senang menebak-nebak bagaimana akhir dari sebuah drama Korea, serial TV, atau film. Apakah nanti ceritanya bakal berakhir bahagia atau sedih? Karena tanpa ending, sebuah cerita fiksi tentunya tidak akan lengkap.

Bagi seorang reviewer, sebuah cerita fiksi yang tidak memiliki ending memuaskan akan mendapatkan rating rendah. Maka dari itu, ini juga penting untuk diperhatikan bagi para penulis sebelum menulis kerangka cerita. Namun, tahukah kalian bahwa kemampuan menulis seseorang dapat meningkat dari menonton sebuah film, drama, series, maupun sinema televisi? Mari meningkatkan kemampuan menulis menggunakan film.

The Importance of Writing Skill

Writing is not only needed for school purposes. A company also needs candidates who are skilled at efficient writing and communicating. Even in this digital era, technology development hasn’t reduced the need for writing skills. Whether it’s email, online chat, or website updates, all of these require well-developed writing skills.

Obviously, the clearer the communication process is, the greater the chance that you’ll have to get a job. In any field or any profession, writing skills are needed in some parts of life’s journey.

Writing habit means expressing our thoughts in writing, which automatically also trains our brains to think logically and coherently. In this way, over time, our brains will also get used to building a written outline in the head without having to write it down first. So, once we learn something new and are asked to repeat it, we can convey it in a more structured manner even if it has not been written before. Thus, this is why writing skill is necessary. But, how can you improve your writing skill by using movies?

The Use of Movie to Improve Writing Skill

Writing a movie script in a discussion (Source:

According to a journal by Neliti entitled “Improving Students’ Skill in Writing Narrative Text Through Animation Movies”, the results stated that:

  • First, students can organize their ideas coherently by using appropriate narrative structures.
  • Second, students can use vocabulary more appropriately.
  • Third, students can write their narratives in grammatically correct sentences,
  • Lastly, students can use spelling and punctuation correctly in the composition of the writing they write. 

Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of movie can improve students’ writing skills and learning atmosphere during class hours.

5 Types of Movies

Bioskop, Tirai, Teater, Film, Latar Belakang
A movie cinema (Source:

The plot of a movie is different from one to the other. For example, the plots of The Nun (a horror movie), Underwater (a sci-fi adventure movie), Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (a fantasy television series), Dilan 1991 (a romance movie), or Kung Fu Panda (an action-comedy movie) greatly differ from each other. When the scriptwriters were writing the scripts, they had different visions from one another. Therefore, let’s develop your writing skills through the following 5 types of movies.

A. Cliffhanger

Usually, this term is used to refer to films known as cliffhangers films. It means a story that has reached the end of a cliff and is ready to jump to the conclusion (rising action – climax), but it was cut off and finished suddenly. This storyline is often in demand by producers who want to find or gradually attract an audience in each of their fictional works. Usually, this cliffhanger movie exists in a movie series or TV series.

Some of the most famous cliffhangers movies are Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and others.

B. Open-Ended

The second type of film in this list is actually often encountered and can annoy the audience. The reason is that this film has the intention of inviting the audience to participate in the ending of the story. So, it is we who should determine the ending. Whether the story will end well or not, it is all on the mind of the audience. Even though it seems unsatisfying, this ending is actually the second most searched type of movie ending on the internet. Because of that, it is important for you to continue the movie by writing an ending of the movie by yourself.

Examples of open-ended movies are Black Swan and others.

C. Circling Movie

Then, there is a film with a circling plot. Obviously, this ending has a plot that rotates until the end of the story. In general, a story will start with an introduction (exposition) before moving on to conflicts, rising actions, climax, falling actions, and resolutions. However, for a movie with a circular or circling ending, it has a story plot such as starting from exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, exposition, conflict – and so on. Sometimes, the film just gets to the falling action stage, then returns to where the problem started.

This movie is somewhat similar to a video game. So, it is up to the main players or the audience to decide the ending themselves. The movie with this revolving plot is usually a sci-fi, time paradox, time traveler, or horror-thriller film.

An example of movies with a circle ending is In The Tall Grass from Netflix.

D. Closed 

This is probably the most common type of movie out there, which is usually split into two endings, namely a happy film (happy ending) or a sad ending. Later, the sad ending can also be divided into several subgenres such as Angst, Tragedy, Irony, and others.

This closed ending carries a storyline that has been closed or finished properly according to the plot. Thus, it makes the audience understand the ending of the story without the need to see the continuation because it is satisfying already.

Examples of movies that have closed endings are Ayah Mengapa Aku Berbeda and others.

E. Twist 

Lastly, this twist-filled film is often known as a plot twist in a movie. When a story runs as usual until the climax phase, the story suddenly goes out of the expectations of both the readers and the viewers. The twist ending is unexpectable. Usually, this film is a story from the action, thriller, or crime genre. The key when writing a film with a twist ending is giving clues beforehand. The reason is that every clue that exists can tell you that character A is not necessarily good and character B is not necessarily evil.

An example of works that have a twist ending is Knives Out (Movie).

Vocabulary Corner

Last but not least, we have arrived at this point where you can find explanations about difficult vocabulary that you have read before. Therefore, here is the table to expand your knowledge about writing!

English WordsArti dalam Bahasa Indonesia
ReviewerSeseorang yang melakukan peninjauan ulang serta memberikan komentar dan nilai (rate)
Sci-Fi (Science Fiction)Karya fiksi yang berhubungan dengan sains
TrilogySeri karya sastra yang terdiri dari tiga rangkai
ExpositionPerkenalan terhadap tokoh dan latar
Rising actionPeningkatan masalah
ClimaxKlimaks/puncak masalah
Falling actionAntiklimaks (alur puncak masalah mulai turun)
ResolutionResolusi (penyelesaian)

So, have you now discovered a new interest to create a story and even to produce a short film by yourself with taking inspiration from the films above? Therefore, share in the comments below! Who knows, creating your own work can probably be beneficial and profitable for you in this pandemic. Finally, see you next time on our blog!

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