Take your test with confidence

The best time to prepare is Now

Apakah cocok untuk Saya?

  • Kamu sudah merancangkan sekolah ke luar negeri namun kesulitaan di bahasa Inggris.
  • English kamu di level Pre-Intermediate.
  • Target level: IELTS 6.0+ or CEFR Level B2

Siapa yang mengajar?

Engliven’s Teachers dengan pengalaman mengajar di preparation Test TOEFL / IELTS


Apa saja yang saya dapat?

  • Teknik belajar TOEFL / IELTS  yang friendly dan efektif.
  • Simulation Test TOEFL / IELTS.
  • Kesalahan umum anak Indonesia saat mengikuti Test.
  • Materi dan Latihan (exercises) yang dikurasi dari penyelenggara resmi TOEFL /IELTS dan sumber-sumber terbaik yang dibahas di kelas reguler Engliven.
  • Kita akan bahas all 4 skills of Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing selama 4 bulan untuk membantu kamu menggapai impianmu study/work abroad.

Kapan Kelasnya dimulai?

Kapan saja. Kami sarankan untuk melihat deadline aplikasi ke universitas yang kamu inginkan dan segera daftar Simulation test nya untuk tahu score TOEFL/IELTS mu saat ini sebelum ambil official test nya.

What They Say About Engliven

Client Logo Culture Insights Specialist

Sesi CCU bersama Engliven sangat menyenangkan, selain mempelajari ways of working antara Indonesian dan expatriates, selama sesi juga banyak insight-insight yang didapatkan. Pengajar dan tim engliven juga sangat mengakomodasi sesi dengan baik. Overall it was a very great session!

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MPM Bayer Indonesia

For all 30 meetings of Technical Writing class, the overall experience was really fun! We had a kind teacher who really strived for our learning and our improvement. The most exciting part is when we were practicing together on the teams word doc.

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Benus Drojo Head of Household and Logistic, Ministry of State Secretariatof Republic of Indonesia

The Business English class has improved my conversation in English and I like the lessons for they are practical and relevant to our day-to-day work. With a good teaching method and experience, Ms Elisa successfully encouraged us to talk and discuss things in English

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Peter Bedford Town Deliver Strategy

I’ve been working here in Indosat assessing many of their leaders and using Elisa’s services for translations for those people whose English is not perhaps as good as it could be. She’s developed great relationships with the individuals, and she’s been really engaged in the meetings that we’ve had and intuitively knows when to translate without being asked. She’s provided a great service which is been immensely helpful and helping these leaders to give their very best during the assessment process.

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Kevin Sugiarto VP Business Development, PrivyID Jakarta

I joined the Pre-intermediate Class and found that Engliven has quite a unique way of teaching English. We were not only asked to speak English during the class but also in our daily communication with one another. I personally like how the teacher treats her students as friends and speaks casually to us. She didn’t even hesitate to directly correct my vocabulary and grammar while having a casual chit-chat. Overall, it makes learning English more fun and interesting. Good luck Engliven, I hope it will become a great English mentoring company in the future.

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Merry Nurrani Human Capital Business Partner at

I joined this online Speak To Spark class after following her Instagram account @engliven. The teacher was able to explain English grammar in a simple way. She encouraged me to speak in English in the class. The subject is relevant to my career as a Human Capital Business Partner. I learnt a lot about professional terms, not only in HR area but also in marketing. She taught me patiently, and is always open for consultancy outside our online class 😁

Mulai sekarang

STS BusyBee

4 meetings @ 60mins
Rp. 960
  • Placement Test
  • Live Zoom Sessions
  • Engliven Top Tips
  • Progress Test and Report*

STS BusyBee 1.5X

4 meetings @ 90mins​
Rp. 1.390
  • Placement Test​
  • Live Zoom Sessions
  • Engliven Top Tips
  • Progress Test and Report*
  • Speaking Project
Best Choice

STS BusyBee 2X

4 meetings @ 120mins
Rp. 1.820
  • Placement Test​
  • Live Zoom Sessions
  • Engliven Top Tips
  • Progress Test and Report*
  • Presentation Project

Learn speaking fluent English with confidence at SpeakToSpark